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Casey Graves

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Everything posted by Casey Graves

  1. They will probably use alot of the guys in this lineup for the other events, maybe a few changes here and there
  2. Its probably gonna be the same layout as almost every track theyve run this year
  3. More than likely going depending on if I can get that weekend off work
  4. If you got it from somewhere else why would you call it your own, your on thin ice buddy if you cant make it yourself dont bother
  5. Yea I agree ash, its almost as big as the bailout logo lol. Truck looks amazing tho great job both of you so far
  6. It takes me about an hour of blending images together and lining them up, its a really complicated process but the treads come out very nice. Then getting a sidewall to match is pretty tough too, that why most people who try to make a seamless tire texture have lines in them where something doesnt match perfectly
  7. game is better than the show imo, im probably gonna be playing it alot more now that i can actually go golfing and dont need to play tiger woods
  8. Yea that race was alot crazier than it seemed when we were racing
  9. theres a million videos about working in blender on youtube, i think people should be smart enough to search there or on google since it gives youtube videos when you search
  10. Watch the TMBTV epidsode from indy jamboree 2010, its the track it was based off of
  11. Its the same as this but instead of going around the cars you hit the back side of them after the second turn
  12. Its anaheim style but you hit the cars twice
  13. facepalm... how would you know how realistic it is if you havnt played it much lol
  14. Honestly the wrecks arnt that bad, its just like nr2003 the ai pile into them and start flipping. I wouldnt say this game was a waste of money either, the ai race alot more competetively/realistically imo than nr2003. By looking at the list they have for stuff being fixed in the patch its gonna make the game pretty sick.
  15. Wouldn't count on it, and if anyone would be driving it, it would be tweak since he made the whole truck with the help of some others on here
  16. I'm gonna have side with dig and rkm on this one,yours just doesnt look right cuz you just smeared a brush all over it, real rat rods come naturally but still look like crap most of the time. People want to look at something that looks decent not something that looks like no effort was put into at all
  17. PC made one a while back but I'm not sure if he posted it on here or not, might have just been on rormj
  18. Its not just nascar games that have an online problem, its almost every racing game. I mean forza is only worth a damn online for drifting and still you get some major warp that can glitch someone into you and ruin your drift. If you gonna race online stick to pc
  19. I think someone has spent a little too much time at openspeedway or mr. norms. People normally take leagues seriously, us especially you dont really see any other league with 40 lead changes in a race with very few cautions. Anyway to get this topic back on track there should be a patch coming out in the next few weeks with some major updates to gameplay which should make it more enjoyable to race against the ai, havnt tried online yet but im sure its like ever other console racing game and people glitch all over the track and its near impossible to not netcode wreck em
  20. Ill be at this one for sure, unless i get called into work which is unlikely
  21. Just to start of with, the stadium is way too big. Also your layout is not really close object wise to the real thing. Just me being a critic tho
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