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Everything posted by SealedGecko

  1. DANICA!!!!! She is the best driver on the face of this earth
  2. Newegg is very trust-able, very good RMA service, I've gotten a few things from there and never had any problems.
  3. Please don't bump 4 month old threads. EDIT: Exactly 4 months old.
  4. Read this: http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/topic/184-guide-requests/
  5. Put some bacon grease on it, he will it eat.
  6. Cars and light vehicles section of the Rigs of Rods forums has some nice trucks, you just gotta look through a bunch of threads.
  7. I could edit them before I was a mod.
  8. Read this: http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/topic/184-guide-requests/ Then fix the first post.
  9. You can get it here. http://www.blender.org/ Should have some instructions there.
  10. We have no way to do anything about it, your best bet would be to message the server owner on the Rigs of Rods forums.
  11. Please you the edit post feature instead of double posting.
  12. Use the little image in the little tool bar.
  13. Figured since everyone is showing tires I'll show one I made. Just for a side project.
  14. Well I never really got into modding MTM2 but my favorite base track is the scrapyard one.
  15. Iv never seen so much win in my leiffff
  16. An hour of boredom and I now have this...
  17. All these MTM2 tracks look great and all but it seems since bert posted the quote below, everyone has been making MTM2 tracks. I don't know if the reasoning for these is this post though, but if it is, the way I read it was he wanted people to make their own customs and such, and not just make some MTM2 tracks. Just my 2 cents.
  18. I never get any credit! Guess the modeling side doesn't count.
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