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Everything posted by SealedGecko

  1. I'm just wondering why mine got reset? I was proud of this:
  2. baycZero Matt Wilkinson Blue Thunder
  3. This would be a good place to start. http://www.rigsofrods.com/wiki/pages/Main_Page
  4. Hehe, winner to loser. Do I win anything?
  5. Freestyle SUD Hot Wheels Maximum Destruction
  6. Matt Wilkinson Blue Thunder baycZero
  7. You sign up by waiting for a new event, then post in that thread your aim, name, and truck you want to drive. You will have to sign up again for the next one after that, sign ups are only for that race.
  8. Oooo sounds fun, I just have to refer to this post: Best post ever
  9. Just something I made when I was bored, I need to actually texture them instead of having them stuck on the low lag tire textures.
  10. Only a fail because I took 2 or so hours to get every corner
  11. Most sounds on YouTube are not released and probably will never be released.
  12. In 0.38 there is a drop down menu at the top but the SM trucks seem to not like 0.38, that is why we are using 0.37.
  13. Line tool in paint.net can do it.
  14. I refer you to the post above yours. Kinda means its over.
  15. I WIN, I FINALLY WON! I won freestyle.
  16. 28 trucks a weekend out of like 100 sign ups seems to low for a booking system, there would only be 12 non elite drivers, everyone who is not elite would have to be on there computer 24/7 until the booking starts, 32, 36, or 40 people a weekend would be better because there is going to be some no shows a week and almost everyone who wants to drive would get to.
  17. Well I have decided to stop running my server. 09/24/11 - 03/05/12 Not bad. (That is as far as my logs go, might even be further than that.) That is all.
  18. Max Settings except HDR and DOF, 40FPS, No Graphics Card not even integrated, solution if you have lagg take off 100% vegetation.
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