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Everything posted by SealedGecko

  1. american guardian is kinda blurry
  2. Name: Matt Wilkinson Truck: Predator Aim: baycZero
  3. looks pretty good man hey umm wat do u think of my track, not the paint but model
  4. Finished my track but I just slapped on crappy paint job. FS RACE
  5. Yea thats pretty bad I get like at least 70 fps on a 6 year old computer
  6. Well I might go but might go turns into not going lol
  7. Looks like an awesome lineup man hope you have fun.
  8. Well the racing one is in game and uv mapped next needs painted EDIT: Also Im gonna make it a muddy track sooo.. ye
  9. WOAH dude i turn 15 tommorow lolz well

    Happy B-Day

  10. Full Name(First and Last): Matt Wilkinson Truck: Predator AIM Screenname: bayczero
  11. Well the racing mesh is done. Now I'm gonna do fs mesh then paint and I should be done
  12. hmm good idea ill try it and see how it comes out
  13. Well I have completely redone my track here is a picture. Still isn't finished but I can't think of what obstacle to put up in empty section.
  14. Well the verts are gonna be way down because I can get rid of over 150 verts for each car lol and probably the floor too
  15. Here is my first blender track, do you think it has any potential? Can anyone uv map and paint it for me because I suck at it EDIT: Also is 13k verts too much for a track?
  16. Well i downloaded deleted old pack all of my old monster trucks and im using 0.37.126 and 0.38.35, and max d doesnt show up in game not even a selection and some other trucks dont show up.
  17. If you make that an extended cab you could make dominater
  18. Well it nots very clean but itll work for my first body if anyone wants to clean up the uv part just tell me but Ill be able to make it work
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