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Everything posted by SealedGecko

  1. I hate the rearsteering RAWR. my rearsteer didnt turn wahhhhh
  2. Well.... this is the wrong thread, try the help and support section...
  3. I got that same message but not from teammeents12 it was probably him... I said yea in know him then he asked for breakies then I said here I got them wait a sec then never said another 45 minutes later i get a message from him saying you still looking? haha what a retard
  4. For the love of god please make Predator!! Lol They look awesome man.
  5. Well I from what I read the only thing that is still ashes is the wheel breaking, I could make the for you if you can't.
  6. That bronco is awesome dude... Well I got a new dirtbike 1983 Honda CR480R No its not the small one Not my pic its from the craigslist ad I bought from
  7. It fixed it. I was hoping there was a way to fix with out have to remake it.
  8. Crazy 98 or sumthin like that from mtm2
  9. MAN THAT WOULD MAKE SOME CLOSE RACING! but it looks pretty kool.
  10. The only problem with this is that one of the jump sends you off like when you put two magnets together, does anyone know why it does this? And yes it is a small stadium thats the way I wanted it.
  11. Well... I wish I could have made it but I had to go get my new dirt bike.
  12. That looks awesome if you could get me some good chassis pics I could make a few. I'm pretty good at tubing.
  13. Looks like the trucks are way to responsive and it looks like the ground is a magnet, you stay on the ground to easy then when you leave the ground you launch. Edit: ooo 400th post and nothing really to show, i need to do more blender stuff....
  14. The event was fun. I lost in first round in a fail. Fail: http://www.hostingbytes.us/images/3/6904930.jpg I scored a 16 I think in fs which made me realize that I need to stop trying 5th Custom series flip in a row in 5 races so I'm not doing to well....
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