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Posts posted by Metallica530

  1. It definitely is sad to see Chris Bergeron step away from monster trucks. It was a pleasure seeing Chris Bergeron perform many times in person. Now I wonder who will be the new driver of Brutus, or if Brutus will be running anymore.

    I would think they would have Steve swap iver to Brutus. True, he might not drive as hard pr the same way as Chris, but I really doubt they'll can Brutus. Just think: they made 3 whole trucks with that body. They ain't cutting the original.

  2. Apologies for the bump.  Finally figured out how to post pictures.  :P


    It doesn't look exact, but it's roughly the same model as my guitar.  I've got an ESP LTD MH-1000




    Can't play Rock 'N Roll without one of these.  :D




    Finally, that's going into my Peavey 30 Watt Vypyr amp.  Might need a cabinet to play with it on stage, but it works well around the house. 



  3. Alright, I've downloaded and installed Beau's truck sounds; is there a way I can take say, the sounds from Winslow's Bounty Hunter, and add them to my custom truck, Heavy Metal?  I tried changing the file name of the .truck file withing the document (1st line.) and the document as a whole, but all that succeded in doing was change the entire truck to look like Bounty Hunter. 


    I think it's safe to say:



  4. I'm starting to think I just bruised it.  Defiantly hard to put an amount of pressure on it, so we'll see what happens.  See if it gets any better by tomorrow, but if not, it's off to the doctors.

  5. Any doctors in the house?  I got a simple question.


    Earlier today, I made the horrible mistake of trying to run to my door with a leg that was half asleep.  Needles today, I did a header onto my linoleum floor in my kitchen.  (Insert facepalm here.) 


    Now the part I'm confused about.  I have this sharp pain in my right foot, between 1-1 1/2 inches of my ankle, and and about a half inch from the side of my foot. (Small toe side, in my terms.)  Anybody able to find out what I did?  Not sure if I just bruised something, or pulled it or what.  Defiantly hurts a lot, I'll tell ya that.  (I'm no tough guy.)

  6. Yep, same here. I'm a huge fan of Metallica, (Cancha tell?) and I find this whole storyline/concert setup quite interesting. Unfortunatly, I believe the main convert in the movie has already been shown on YouTube a million times. Seen the stage and all the props before, so sadly the only new thing is the storyline.

  7. I like it. As an avid painter and paint booth cup competitior, it looks pretty good against some of my cars (although I don't have NR2003). It doesn't need to have a million colors for it to be good. Sometimes basic works.

    I would, however try to make the logos a bit brighter, color wise. Little hard to read. That, and if it's sossible to scale the number down, that would help. Numbers should fit in the width of the drivers door window. Maybe just a bit smalled in height too.

  8. I'm not even a moderator and your pissing me off.... stop begging for stuff no one appreciates that

    Welcome to my world.  I'm not a mod, but I've been acting quite athoritarily (That a word?) in recent months, trying to get people to understand certain things on here.  If any of the moderators see this, and feel it's a problem, don't hesitate to let me know.

  9. He din't purposly spin out. From the replay, Je. either bumped him, or he just got lose off of 4. Either way, i'm 99% sure it wasn't intention.

    Kinda suprised Carl Edwards didn't get busted on the final restart. Guess they didn't want to change the outcome even more?

  10. Getting back on topic here...


    As a whole I think V4 was absolutely fine.  Sure, a few visible things could use a bit of buttoning up, but coming from a guy who was completely new to monster truck sims, the physics seem alright to me, and it felt 10x better than whatever game Activision is putting out.  I think, with a bit of tinkering here and there, V4.5 could be revived.  Look at it this way too: current persions of trucks are being released daily, so it's almost as if V4.5 never died out, and it's slowly being filled, by the content makers who are making The Bad Habit 2013, and the current Grave Digger, and so on and so forth.  If we kept getting newer versions of of single truck downloads, we would never have to release another full on pack again, just a bit of physics editing here and there.



  11. Definatly not what I wanted to hear, but, as the custom V; truck states. Sh*t happens. I've heard numerous times of talk about "reporting him to the authorites", which, I'm sure, most people would definatly like to see. I'd be all for it, but I assume the damage is done?

    Not knowing the age of the "hacker", would we be able to find a way to dictate the age limit of joining the site? It wouldn't fix the hacking part of it; byt it would fix the "WEHN ISH V9627 COMING OWT!!!", which in theory, should add nothing but stress. It's a shame that on all of the internet sites I have an account on, that younger people can't at least make an attempt to act mature.

  12. Yeah, i'd say they came up between a month, to a month and a half ago. I don't know why I like them some much. I guess there just different from the standard V4 sounds.

    I'm not quite sure which trucks have the zoomies on them, but I do have the Dejong buggy, truggy, and the Ford TT. Would any of those have them, although for some reason the Ford won't work. Might be missing something, but I'm not sure.

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