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Posts posted by Metallica530

  1. As of being pretty new to RoR monster truck racing, and wanting to run a sanctioned Sim-Monsters event, It always seems that when I go to qualify for a league event or a special event like Fall Madness or All Monsters Ever, that I don't make the field of trucks by one or two slots, which are only separated by fractions of a second.  So, this idea just came to mind a few minutes ago, and I just felt like I should share it.


    Instead of the newer guys running there rear ends off their trucks and missing the show by half a second, what if we put together a "Losers Bracket" of some of the drivers that didn't quite make the field?  Most events i've seen consist of the top 20 drivers with the fastest qualifying times,  What if we took the 21st through 30th place times, and placed them into a smaller, just for fun, bracket?  That way, guys who really want to run some of this stuff don't end up getting completely bummed when they don't make the field.


    Of coarse the thought came to mind that most of the mods take are working on the real show, and i'm sure it would be a real stretch for some, to try to put something like this together, when they have a bigger event to attend to.  So what if we did it this way:


    Say AME 4 comes up, and this idea goes through.  We could run qualifying the night before (Friday) and get all the times for participants in.  Then, once all the times get ordered, put the 21st - 30th place drivers in the bracket and run it that night.  Then the next day (Saturday) we can go on our merry way and run the other event just like old times.


    I guess you could kind of think of this as a Young Guns Shootout with a bit of a twist on it.  I think this would be a great way to get more members on here participating in more events, so they can enjoy this site more than just using it as a forums and it having no role for RoR with them. 


    Comments, concerns, further expansions on this, just post a comment!  Thanks! :lol:


    Oh and, incase you haven't guessed, I come up with alot of these random ideas all the time, so,yeah.  Just a little heads up. :P

  2. Wolk up and played some MW3. Later I went to Pittsburgh for the Green Day concert. Let me tell ua, best freaking shpw ever!!! About to hit the hay now, as i am tired, and I don't have a voice anymore!

  3. like most of the other runs. Clean with one wow factor. I felt like only a few drivers were going for the fs championship, like Cam, Ryan, Adam,Jim. The rest i hate to say looked like they wanted to spear the equipment even though it is the World Finals. 

    Precisely my thinking on Tom.  Yeah, he had the air, and the one save, but what else? Half a backflip?

  4. I have seen on Youtube mulitple trucks sitting on the side of the arena. Can't they all just sit there?

    That's for a more generic run.  You can do that, but if you want a more official run, AIM would probably be your best bet.

  5. Most guys will set up a chat on AIM and invite you to it. Then they send you the server info for you to qualify, a d then if you make the feild, you get placed into the group chat where the host calls the racers from.

  6. Lernerville is a local dirt track out my way, and usually durring the A and B main, tons of dist gts kicked up, enough where its wise to put a set of glasses on. With monster jam, hopefully they have the stands back far enough, and the track watered down enough, that getting hit with anything bigger than a golfball sized climp of dirt is very unlikely. Lernerville, you'll usually end up tasting half the track surface. All in all, very unlikely getting hit with anything...unlezz the hot dog vendor misjudges his throw...heh.

  7. I'd say your more likely to choke from the dust at Lerner ille Speedway than get hit by dirt clumps at a Monster Jam show. I sat behind the Starting line at Consal Energy Center, and the only thing I got hit the most with was the trucks hitting the rev limiter right infron of me.

  8. Finally started editing .truck files in notepad, and I just got a question.  Been wanting to change the position of the roosterpit cameras for awhile now, so heres a simple thing for me to start with


    I want to put the camera on the roof, but I don't know which number to change, mostly because i'm aftraid of screwing something up. So, the defalt numbers are as follows:  28,25,9  (These are for the truck XXX)


    So, which number should I change, and what to?


    Thanks for the help!

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