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Posts posted by Metallica530

  1. That's a shame. The size looks amazing though, I recently saw a concept for motocross and I am so excited to see what they can do for monster jam with all that room

    They'll be sure to lay tarp over 75% of the field and the trucks will actually compete on thr 25% area left.

    It was either Abu Dahbi or Australia, they tarped a huge section off and gave the trucks a really small area to run, instead of the huge stadiun. Might not even be one of those two, but I remember something like that happening.

  2. Getting past who should have won or not, the last hits for Avenger and Lucas Oio where absolutly insane! I don't think I've ever seen a truck get more air since Digger at Minneapolis in 2006. (?) Had to be a hard landing for Jim, though. It's a miricle these guys can take this big of a beating week in and week out.

    Also, El Toto Loco had a sweet flip at the end of his run. Pretty much pogoed it off the launch of a ramp and almost did a backflip with it if he would have landed it, that for sure would have been move of the year.

  3. Ryan was robbed, simple as that. Granted, Vaters did well, but you know Ryan's run was better when his first hit was equal, if not bigger, than Evo's last biggest hit. Ryan just seemed to be moving faster, while Vaters still seemed like he was putting around an arrna fot awhile.

    If they're trying to say the backflips won it for Evo, Son Uva Digger had the same amount, and that one off the truck was insanly fast!

    • Upvote 1
  4. The only trucks I know that rolled in competition were Mutt and SUD. In the encore, only Dragon and El Toro rolled, with El Toro coming back on all 4's.[/quot

    Looked like it may have been Mutt. It was in that video Spooky posted, maybe around halfway.

  5. Howdy hey!  Been a few months since I've posted, but I thought I'd just drop by and say hello.  Got really caught up with school work and what not as of recent, that and, I've kind of fallen out of the whole monster truck thing but, who knows; maybe I'll get a little more active on here.  As of late, my computer decided that being a computer was too hard and decided that becoming a brick was mach easier, so there's that.  Finally got 'er back up and running for the most part.  Just had RoR up for the first time in about three months, and it locked up, so that'll take some fine tuning with settings to work out. 


    Doesn't look like I missed a whole lot; kinda bummed I missed out on Fall Madness but, hey.  I'm back!  Rejoice!

  6. There are a few different versions of .37 that Sim Monsters has. If you use .37.116 (I think?), the steering is dramaticly slower. There is another version on this site site somewhere that has a faster turning speed for wheels/controllers, and it's also .37, so you'll still be able to run leagues and whatnot.

  7. I'll have to check it out sometime in the near future. The whole wheels not wpinning in .37 has been bothering me since I first started watching livestreams and what not; just doesn't look right. What's the main issue with .39.5? Something with server issues?

  8. I'm no computer expert, but if you want a good gaming computer, able to run games like Battlefield 4 and what jot on max settings, definatly get a full blown PC. Laptops just aren't cut out for gaming, at least the generic ones. You might be able to build you're own PC for around $700. JackFrags has a recnt vid up on everything you'd need.

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