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Posts posted by Metallica530

  1. Tharindu, just yes.

    Depends on what game I'm playing or what not, since I'm mostly into gaming videos.

    Battlefield: LevelCapGaming, Matimi0

    GTA: MrBossFTW, VanossGaming, KYRSpeedy

    Gt6: oinkoink83 (Right name?), Valdudes

    KhanSeb's got some cool airsoft videos. Only problem is I can't understand him 'cause he's French. High School lLanguage classes, you've failed me again.

  2. I feel like I'm the only guy that doesn't have an iPhone. I have a Galaxy S3, and it's working pretty good for me. No major complaints. Only Apple product I can compaire it to is my 4th gen iPod touch, and that thing...lets just say: processor = way to small. Dare not go onto SM Video threads with it.

  3. I was gonna say do a Gymkhana Grid type of event, instead of plain old Gymkhana, but diggerthechamp beat me to it. 


    What about an event similar to MX High Jump?  Have the track based out of the L.A. Colosseum, with the ramp decent down the middle of the structure similar to what Rallycross does, and then go into a motocross ramp over the bar and land on the other side.  Base the competition on an elimination, after everyone makes it, the bar gets raised say, 10 feet, for them the next round, and those who didn't make it, are knocked out of competition.  I could seriously see this working.well.  Only problem would be getting the bar to move...some sort of mousedrag movement?  The trucks might also need some suspension changes to compensate for the landing.  I'd say truck's must also stick the landing to advance, without rolling it over. 


    But yeah, that's my input.  I really wanna see this become an annual event if it takes off.  I'd be willing to help out with organization as well, if needed.

  4. Alwayw use manual gear, never Drive. The automatic gear change is way to long, and manual gives you a bit more control of shifting, and you can even get a bit of an engine brakibg done too.

  5. *Le Pic*


    Detroit is dern!


    If I could make one suggestion, the paint just seems to bright, as in neon color, and it really doesn't look like dirt, more like plastic to me.  I'd say tone the color down a bit, and maybe add, not necessarily tire wear marks, but some sort of a different texture or something.


    Other than that, great work!

  6. Yet another bump on my end,but it has good reason.




    Say hello to my first bass I've owned!  A Peavey Millennium BXP that I snagged on Craigslist for $150.  Great condition for the price, and it sounds great too.  Now I need to learn how to play it.  :P

  7. Throughout a good portion of the day, I've been trying to access the site on a mobile device (iPod 4th Gen and a Samsung Galaxy S3), with the mobile version when at sometime between 9 AM EST and 12 PM EST, I noticed on both systems that the pages were loading incorrectly, with most of the text and photos, if the photos even loaded, displaying on the left edge of the page.  I also noticed on the S3, at the top of the page, a red box appeared reading: "You currently have Javascript disabled.  Several functions may not work.  Please re-enable Javascript to access full functionality."  I checked the browser section for the S3 and found that javascript was still on, so that was pretty weird.  Since this is happening on both systems, I'm not convinced that this is on my end, although with my luck it probably is, so I'm not sure if it's the hosting site's fault, or mine.  Anybody ever seen this before and/or have a fix for this thing?  Thanks!

  8. Sorrh for the bump, but I was wondering if anyones had this problem, and it's not by a chance of dumb lucm with me.

    Has anyone ever had a personal vehical destroyed, and it not show up with tbe prompt saying it's been destroyed? My game did this to me the otber night, and now I can't even call ti get it restored, even though I bought it off tbe internet. Just trying to see if anyone who did have this bappen, had a solution to it.

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