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Everything posted by IceCreamMan13

  1. these decals will be for my updated sting truck. if anyone could post them, I'd highly appreciate it. Pics: http://img507.imageshack.us/img507/2699/stingyo.jpg grill http://img11.imageshack.us/img11/5016/stng201b.jpg face
  2. before I start working on Atlanta, i could do this................... a little custom Jacksonville. http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/38/picmtb.jpg
  3. Not quite sure if there was another topic on this, but there are alot of people on here with a custom member title. I've been wondering, how could you change your member title?
  4. Tht would be fine. Maybe you could P.M me them.
  5. that looks like a neat track, I'll take a whirl at it.
  6. Hey Rock, could you maybe post the crowd texture you usually use for your tracks? e.x Miami '12, RCD 2?
  7. C'mon people at Futureshop... Fix my laptop already!

  8. Hey coconut, That baltimore track looks fantastic! but I do believe the bus was yellow. Wonderful track nevertheless.
  9. I have this track made, i will release it when my PC gets fixed.
  10. srry if kind of a late submission, but i have some favorites: TRACKS MADE BY KLAYTON: 5: San Antonio 2012 4: Phoenix 2012 3: World Finals 13 2: RCD Stadium 2 1: Arlington 2012 TRACKS NOT MADE BY KLAYTON: 5: Orlando 04' 4: Arnhem 2012 3: San Marco 2nd 2: BC Place 12' 1: WF 4 (srry, its just so good ) SOME HONOURABLE MENTIONS: San Marco 1st Gaithersburg 12' Freestyle Jam WF 9 WF 7
  12. Dumb people make me laugh. mostly...

  13. Well, heres how to texture cars, open the car .blend file, split the screen in blender, go to UV image editor, and on the first screen, go to edit mode. The UV map for the car will show up on the UV image editor window. then, on the UV img window, click open image. Then find a texture for your car (RockCarred.png (if yur using Klayton's car) etc..). In the car window, go to textured mode, and yur car will be textured red. I hope this helps, and its understandable.
  14. Pablo in Blue Thunder......................................hmmmmm........................... should Pablo be in the line up? I dont think they should take out scooby doo, but they should kick out Nicole, and put Chad in. it just seems like a good fit. EDIT: just saw CVH's FS in New Orleans, i'd probably say CVH instead of Chad.
  15. most perfectly acdc, the hood looks actually real! wish I could show sum' of my projects, but my pc's hard drive went.
  16. making mj hotwheels cushable cars

  17. Are you sure you werent using an actual kitchen blender when creating that fail Roach? lol
  18. Just thought it looked like a cool truck. Name: Reptoid ('00-'04) Body:1998 chevy chassis: normal reptoid chassis paint: green scales at the front, blu scales in the middle, and orange scales at the rear other details: The eyes at the front light up, but i dont expect that to be in this truck. There are 3 extra teeth below the normal reptoid teeth. IMG: http://img405.imageshack.us/img405/1554/reptoid.jpg
  19. srry for the multiple topics, something wierd happened with my browser when I submitted the topic
  20. srry for multiple identical topics, something wierd happened with my browser

  21. format: video about: making the white lines, track colors, wearmarks etc.. It would be really great if someone could do this, it could help alot of people out there who wish to make a great track. it would cover- making the white dirt lines on tracks (start, finish lines, white lines around obstacles etc..) wearmarks (tire tracks, donuts etc..) the colours on track obstacles (if you can or do texture them in photoshop/paint.net) the red tarp around the outsides of the track
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