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Noah Chiasson

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Everything posted by Noah Chiasson

  1. Yeah, I'm glad to see Scott getting the spot in the WF. Hopefully Neil can get something done in another truck! Recently Neil, in my opinion, has been driving better than Meents. Meents has been getting slower and slower, but he still has big air just no momentum until he wrecks the truck or saves it.
  2. Great! This season will be amazing, I can't wait! P.s. Nice song choice
  3. So, my understanding is that we will be able to sign-up for two trucks, Custom and Replica? If so, that's AWESOME!
  4. The Custom and Replica events are dated back-to-back; does this mean we will be able to compete in both events?
  5. DISCLAIMER: I made nothing in these pictures, all I did was mis-match props/rims/tires and give these trucks a little bit of #sweg!
  6. Yous should work on New Orleans next! I always love playing on my home track!
  7. LOL!! You're so right! They could get soo creative with a huge floor like that! It really pisses me off that they don't! But with so cal, they left sooo much open space and it made it boring. Hagan, if youre going, are you going to the pit party?
  8. I'm gonna be there bro!! I'm so happy they're doing Chicago, I'm tired of So. Cal.!! Hope they do a good job!
  9. OMG!! That's awesome!! We need to talk lol.
  10. CIFPO server fun with Andrew and Isiah! Andrew did side-walls for at least 2 minutes!!
  11. Just as extra help for your experimenting, Box5 monster trucks have breakable bodies... I tried to do something with them by mixing his GD with 2013 revamped GD but I wasn't successful.
  12. Really nice bro! If you are trying to make just the body flexbody, then you read my mind I have been thinking about that for a while.
  13. Thanks, you are really active on here and I appreciate that.
  14. Thanks Danny, is there someway we could keep in touch? I would like to be very informed about this series. Also, I want to be one of the first to sign up because I want a nice choice of trucks.
  15. Pardon my lack of knowledge, when are sign ups? I'm really anxious and I don't want to miss them. Please get back to me ASAP, Thanks.
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