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Everything posted by Nascarfan98

  1. File Name: RoR-MTP Vancouver File Submitter: Nascarfan98 File Submitted: 09 Oct 2014 File Category: Tracks Procrastinating on this release. But hey its finally here at least! Credits to those who I don't know why I keep giving to Stadium: Tharindu Don? Cars: Hot Shoe/Slick Dirt: Rock The Rest: is lost in the forbidden cave in down under Click here to download this file
  2. File Name: RoR-MTP Arnhem File Submitter: Nascarfan98 File Submitted: 09 Oct 2014 File Category: Tracks Simple design....With a little twist (Download the track to figure out the twist Credits: Bus: Mark Dirt Rock: Derped and forgot on the rest <insert extra credits here> Click here to download this file
  3. 431 downloads

    Simple design....With a little twist (Download the track to figure out the twist Credits: Bus: Mark Dirt Rock: Derped and forgot on the rest <insert extra credits here>
  4. 376 downloads

    Procrastinating on this release. But hey its finally here at least! Credits to those who I don't know why I keep giving to Stadium: Tharindu Don? Cars: Hot Shoe/Slick Dirt: Rock The Rest: is lost in the forbidden cave in down under
  5. Suprised no one else started this thread. Anyways, what is your local home track? Mine is Columbus Motor Speedway, here are some photo's and videos I have taken from a few races I've been to here https://www.facebook.com/dylanshub101/media_set?set=a.903031563044687.1073741832.100000135566151&type=3 https://www.facebook.com/dylanshub101/media_set?set=a.894747657206411.1073741830.100000135566151&type=3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gVPLckBZOWE&list=UUNdE3RiUH2tLupGNni9iqdQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQUpBuYFULg&list=UUNdE3RiUH2tLupGNni9iqdQ&index=4
  6. Is this legit? If so I may need to take a trip to Dayton
  7. Thank you! I think I'm gonna get that
  8. Can you link me to it? I typed it into a few sites and from what I see it doesn't That would require a lot of saving. But that's amazing
  9. The Motherboard has to fit a LGA2011 socket
  10. I don't really have one, I'm just buying parts as soon as I have the money
  11. So recently I've started building a Custom Gaming PC and here's what I've gotten so far. Case: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811129066&cm_re=Antec_Three_Hundred_Illusion_Black_Steel_ATX_Mid_Tower-_-11-129-066-_-Product Power Supply: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817151102&cm_re=Seasonic_850w-_-17-151-102-_-Product Processor: http://www.microcenter.com/product/418180/Core_i7_4820K_LGA_2011_Boxed_Processor?rf=Search+Results+Top+%3E+Feature+2+%3E+Processors+Intel%2fAMD+-+Top+2 My questions are What do you guys suggest should I get for other parts including Motherboard, Video Card, So on. I know I have to get a Motherboard that can adapt with an LGA2011 socket. Thanks!
  12. Oops. wrong link ill find the right one soon.
  13. Silver Dollar....s...are finished time to go mudding and trucking!
  14. https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B0d22GeNhG95MFEtTnlsb3VreDQ/edit there ya go (From Chris Hamiltons Google Drive)
  15. Sorry Midwest Crusher but this is my main ride now. Silver Dollar! Painted by Chadwick Deerfoot. Probably my favorite paint he's ever made, Racesource chassis with Coil overs and UK tires and black beaded gray rims. Yolo
  16. I've been away from racing for sometime now and I have a day off and there are no leagues that are running on thursday so I was like, I'll make a fun run! The track we'll be using is Custom World Finals 7 made by Monster Jam Fan http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/1648-custom-world-finals-7/ Customs and Replicas are both allowed and a cap of 16 sign ups will be placed. The rest of the sign ups will be considered fill ins but will be allowed to use the truck they wish if needed Times: 6:00 PM EST- Aim Chat goes up 6:30 Drivers Meeting/Race Start Sign Ups: Dylan Bernier: Silver Dollar Monster Truck Daniel Simon: 7/11 Slurpee Voth: Murder Nova Marcus Santana: Chevelle 13 Yovany Rayos: TMNT Fernando Matrinez: Goblin Zach Nicholas: Mountain Dew Code Red Blake Thompson: Grave Digger Seth Holloway: Wildstyle Jack Mccarthy: MAX-D Chace Leahy: Grinder
  17. Feld 80% of the members on Sim-monsters I-hop Drivers driving slow in the passing lane (You know who you loveing are) Drivers braking for no reason on the freeway People who continue to sit there and talk to me when I already said I want to be alone People telling me how to do something even though I did it correctly the first time. Attention nice ladys And being friendzoned. Ding.
  18. That reminds me, Indy Jamboree has an awesome venue too
  19. Few new Custom track models to show you Portland Fairgrounds 2.0 Maryland County Fairgrounds
  20. This also really shows how much of a douche mark is jkloveyounohomo
  21. She drove excaliber in 2009 but that was the last time ive heard of her being around
  22. Thank you I've been waiting for someone to do some stats! Anyways wow I have a lot more wins than I thought O.o Granted a lot of those came in leagues that are lower in rep than lets say an SSRS or MROR. Thanks Danny!
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