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Everything posted by mdemko

  1. YAY PENDA!!!!!!! And that arena looks great diggerthechamp
  2. Canfield looks awesome so far Mike. What are your trck plans? Penda style or Modern?
  3. Great work Ross and Ryan. Both trucks look amazing. Although I feel the nose on tailgater should be a tad longer.
  4. You know nothing about trippin son... The things I have seen will haunt me for the rest of my life. Oh the pretty colors...
  5. Oh the irony the last post....
  6. I think semi's look good with chrome. Stacks, bumper, visor, etc. But only on certain models. A classic Peterbilt always looks good with chrome. But a brand new volvo, it just looks stupid with chrome when everything else is plastic and body matched.
  7. I'm glad it's missing chrome. Chrome is overrated now that everybody and their mother has it.
  8. Enjoy the hell you just bestowed upon yourself. Teammeents12 will be up your butt in a few minutes lol. Good luck with the project though.
  9. That should never see the light of day. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!!!
  10. LIES!!!! Can we change the rules so that I'm the only one allowed to have the name matt?
  11. Im digging the carpet texture you used for dirt....
  12. This is not because I hate you runt...<3 Dub-step sucks. That's why. It's only good when your trippin, or at a club, but if your at a club that plays dubstep, you'll probably end up stabbed or raped at the end of the night. Metallica is good, but over played. I'm tired of hearing Enter Sandman. Selena Gomez? Really? Music is too main stream these days. Nobody buys full albums anymore. Bands would be better off putting out EP's with their best stuff. The rest is just filler so they can justify making us pay $15 for stuff we don't want to hear. Radio stations play the same crappy 10 songs over and over and over and over until they milk them for all they're worth and move on to the next 'big' song and repeat the proccess. Music is dead, our generation killed it and so did the record labels. Lady Gaga is a horrible fad that will dye off in the near future. Bieber fever is a plague apoun this beatiful world that needs to be eradicated by pure unadulterated heavy metal produced by indie bands from their garage. Vevo sucks and is responsible for the failure of YouTube. Bands have been reproducing the same generic sound since 2000. We have been brain washed into believing that today's music is real music. End rant. Someone get me a tylinol.
  13. Does it really matter what lane someone qualified in oggy? The lanes are built even. It's all in driver skill. But for a hint... I try to use the lane that turns left the most...
  14. Looks good so far Tom. Looks like it would be an epic J-hook...
  15. Very true Casey. I was just going off of previous posts.
  16. The cradle is close, but no that's not the new bailout chassis. It's good to see that old thing again Ryan
  17. Pretty sure Liquid already told you... Your not staff. This will never work.
  18. Ok. Update: we will be meeting at minute maid park at noon Saturday Aug. 6.
  19. Some Houston guys over at Dezertrangers.com are having a Houston meet this weekend. Basically, we will be hanging out, checking out each others rides, and swapping stories. I'll be in attendance taking pictures and will post them here. If anyone here is in the Houston area this weekend and would like to come check out the madness, I'll be updating this thread with times and locations.
  20. The new RHCP stuff is good... I perfer my KoRn with a side of Chino...
  21. mdemko

    X Games 17 July 28-31

    Personally, I dont like Deegan. Never have. He has an ego about him
  22. mdemko

    X Games 17 July 28-31

    Deegan takes gold in rallycross and Faust gets silver. In related news... garrett reynolds takes gold in BMX street, making it 4years in a row.
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