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Everything posted by mdemko

  1. How about people sign up with customs... This is turning into a semi-replica league...
  2. Daytona looks epic! Love the MLMT/MTC feel of it.
  3. No...I can tell you reskined my truck. I would appreciate it if you asked next time to use it before you went and painted over it. I can tell its Bailout because Im the only person here with an 07 chevy, red racesource's/steering rams and GD20 zoomies.
  4. I hope you plan on Renaming half of the files that go with that truck. I would hate for it to overwrite mine.
  5. Also Ryan... Keystone krusher might look better with zooms through the hood.
  6. no need to get angry bro. If you would read my post rather than just skim it, you would see that I know why it's the Keystone Krusher.
  7. mdemko

    (packs)V_3 Patch

    What exactly is the issue with Rockstar? It shows up perfectly for me. Just curious
  8. Pretty sure kozak and I are running as a team for this league. Brad will more than likely be joining us.
  9. Great to see the keystone Krusher again Ryan. Just hate keystone beer so much... I know Penn. Is the keystone state.
  10. Matthew Demko Bailout kingkrunch2008
  11. Alot of trucks run that set up actually. King Krunch is another. Looks great acdcfan.
  12. Great Job ACDCfan! That truck turned out great.
  13. To clear things up Sean...I made the Shocks. Ryan Just deverted and edited them a tad.
  14. Acdcfan... You still need to change the engine and exhaust. I'm almost 100% sure that the Patriot runs a bird catcher and filter and NOT the oval air cleaner. Also the exhaust is different. If you change those few things, you will have a great replica.
  15. Use my Bailout...Its the correct body and correct chassis. Just have to repaint everything and change the Engine/exhaust combo. Blown Income looks beastly Seaner. You and Brad did an outstanding job recreating and improving one of my old WMTCS trucks.
  16. A patch is a simple fix that will overwrite a few files and add new ones. The main fix will be new tire textures and a few new trucks.
  17. I'm down Brian... Love me some titty bar!
  18. I might make it... Might bring the ranger down to Barstow and drive up with some guys from DR to Primm then to Vegas on the Power line road.
  19. I love It jordan! Ill get with you on aim so we can get it cloned and I can update the upload to include both.
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