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Everything posted by mdemko

  1. Not music, but music related: I'll be DJ a mini fest following Something Wicked in October.
  2. This is a thing. that opening spot doe....
  3. Shut up kozak... Don't tell me how to live my lyfe
  4. For you.... Never. The rest of us already have them because we didn't break the cardinal rule of sim monsters
  5. Dude... Save more money... Buy an Asus tower... Upgrade that sh!t
  6. I'm okay with this.... Patina's are awesome on old trucks...
  7. After a long day of PT and discharging, Amiee is finally home. She is doing really well aside from some pain. She would like to thank each and every one of you for the kind words, and for keeping her in your thoughts. Also Michelle is getting fat....
  8. mdemko

    Justin Wilson

    This is why open c0ckpits are a bad idea
  9. Wrong year. That's an 02... The KK Greeny is painting is an 03-06
  10. Na. Andrew hasnt started the model yet.
  11. Also before I pass out: We got Amiee out of her room for the first time today. Dispite the sh!tty weather, she was happy to be able to leave her hospital bed for the first time since Thursday.
  12. If you want to add something I would recommend this This is the international limb loss awareness ribbon.
  13. Looks great Greeny! I would suggest adding the superman cape to green bastard...
  14. I mean it's one thing if I add a limb loss awareness ribbon to my person truck, but for someone else to do it, it's kind of weird...
  15. Maybe it's the way you run them. Maybe people are busy. Or maybe, and this may sound rude but it is a possibility, people don't like you. As far as running a league, it's like opening a restaurant. There's a high probability that it will fail within the first year. I'm going to agree with Danny here. If you can't successfully run host a fun run, then you won't be able to host a league.
  16. Did you actually read anything in this thread? You literally posted righ after the answer to your question.
  17. Thanks Greeny, and it's good to see you around. Been a while. Along with a LBK amputation, Amiee also had a revision on her right residual limb. So she will be wheelchair bound for at least 4 months. She starts PT for the second time Monday. She gets to come home Tuesday. So far she's doing really well. I remember how she was after the first amputation 3 years ago... And she has completely surprised me, my family, and her family. I'll continue to keep yall posted.
  18. Amiee is awake and doing good. She's still a little loopy from the drugs, but other than that she is her usual self. She says hi and thanks yall for the support.
  19. Well she's in surgery as I type this it's expected to take about 4 hours, so she has 3 remaining.
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