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Everything posted by mdemko

  1. So in 5 hours, Amiee will be going back into surgery. I will update everybody on her condition once she's out.
  2. D&D DiRTWerx has been looking for some new power plants
  3. Hey man. Creep carefully around that sort of comment. That sort of thing may hit close to home for some of us.
  4. New track in the works. Trap-Cream By: ROOM_K!LLA_Dub https://soundcloud.com/murky-matt/trap-cream-intro-clip
  5. mdemko


    Does boning my wife count as a hobby?
  6. New mix up: Codd Dubz Essentials Mini Mix Some of my favorite tracks by Codd all rolled into a fatty to get your ears high off that dank ass riddim. https://soundcloud.com/murky-matt/codd-dubz-essentials
  7. Interesting. Might have to take Amiees M3 out to an event. I was talking more along the lines of building a prerunner again. If you know me, you know that I love my desert racing. Would love to get back into it and build a new truck, but with a baby and a wife that's about to go back into surgery for the umpteenth time, building a 40+ thousand dollar truck just isn't feasible atm...
  8. Yes Andrew sheets made it. It was made from reference pics by Fiberwerx. I requested it be made for SMRA, but had some issues with scaling in game, so it wasn't done in time to race.
  9. No race car because family. Sad day
  10. That is the worst constructive criticism ever
  11. I don't make a lot of poo, but I did do some work on SMv2 pack... Between Full time job, DJ career, Disabled wife, and a f*cking baby, I don't have time to create content like I want to. But I agree
  12. Think about it... Enough drivers use what we have created and know about us that FELD would have to be some kind of special retarded not to know about us. Have we been sued or asked to stop doing what we have been? No. Will we? No. Like Danny said,if your not making profit, legally there is nothing anybody can do to stop us. That's the beauty of the U.S. Justice system. We are technically avoiding prosecution and having to pay royalties through a loop hole. Then there's this: not the best example, but the best I could find/remember. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2014/02/10/dumb-starbucks-parody-free-coffee/5357597/ Basically a Coffee shopcalled Dumb Starbucks was legally able to operate without violating any copyright laws because it was considered to be a parody. Everything was the exact same as Starbucks doe to the logo, but the added the word dumb before everything. It was considered a work of parody art; the coffee Bering the art. Weird Al has been doing this for years.
  13. Small update: Aimee's surgery has been moved forward a few weeks to August 20. She's happy that the wait is shorter, but at the same time she is extremely nervous.
  14. Clad the impaler was one on my favorites along with Whyachi and nightmare.
  15. Lol. I remember that quote. But I will keep wall updated whenever possible. Still 41 days out.
  16. Thanks guys. My wife really appreciates the support. She loves you all. As for me, I could take yall or leave yall. Lol
  17. Cocaine smuggler.lol Just call it Vice.
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