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Everything posted by mdemko

  1. that's funny as hell. you sir deserve a medal, not a ban.
  2. S-dime is slang for S-10. facepalm.
  3. im going to bump this in hopes that some one can help skin it. I basically have the truck together in blender....
  4. Maybe now someone could get started on my WMTCS San Antonio track from mtm2. the center mound was based off this.
  5. I was at this show. Dawn came up short on the double in FS and endo'ed Scarlet Bandit. the following week I saw her again in San Antonio. Awesome job Eddy. Only gripe I have is that the launch had silver flames painted over the green base.
  6. Literally took me a few hours to learn autocad in high school. pooty program is pooty. Auto desk inventor is where it's at. 3d wire frame and run that nice lady through the frame generator.
  7. I wish joe would run something like this in real life. looks good mate
  8. I'm with you there jack. Parties = trouble. And I wasn't really giving instructions on how to take any drugs, just giving some advice on how to be safe
  9. Yeah. Molly is pretty fun and pretty safe. Main thing you have to be careful about is staying hydrated. Drink plenty of water, and avoid drinking alcohol. Alcohol will just make you even more dehydrated.
  10. MDMA(aka Molly) is the stuff that makes you love everything. Prickly cacti would feel like the highest thread count sheets and dubstep is a must! Basically mdma is the main chemical in ecstasy. But where as ecstasy is usually cut with coke or heroin to either speed up or slow down your roll respectfully, mdma is pure(usually about 70% and ⬆️). So it's a little safer than etcstasy.
  11. What I'm getting at is I see no reason why drugs had to be brought up in the first place. I'm not saying you should go out and try them. Those of use who do them have our reasons. America just has an extremely biased view on us just because a small percentage of us abuse. The problem isn't the drugs, it's the people doing them. Demko/McCauley 2016.
  12. What's wrong with smoking pot? I would Love to hear your reasoning. 2 of my college buddies smoke more pot than anyone I know...They are working on their P.H.D.s i0n bio-chemistry and are currently working in research labs at 2 major Texas universities. I use cocaine occasionally. Along with LSD and MDMA. I have a bachelors degree, a decent job, a great fiancé, a nice little chunk of change in savings, and am debt free. I've never been arrested, ticketed, or convicted for any drug charges. Lets not make this a thread talking about how drugs ruin peoples lives. Its not the drugs that ruin peoples lives, its the people themselves. They don't know moderation, or self control. You can give me the cocaine is highly addictive speech all yall want, but until yall try it for yourselves and see just how not that bad it really is, please leave the drug bashing out of this. Just remember anything in excess is bad for you. Responsible drug use can be quite fun and enjoyable. NOTE: THIS IS NOT AN ENDORSEMENT FOR HEAVY DRUG USE. THIS IS AN ENDORSEMENT FOR RESPONSIBLE, SAFE DRUG USE! Just to add a thought.... It seems that with each generation, kids are becoming bigger and bigger pussies. Back in my day, if some kid called you a name and pushed you, you whooped his ass, or at least tried. Even if you lost the fight, you at least showed everyone that you could stand up for yourself. I am going to have to agree with simpleton on this one. And it all goes back to the parents really. These days every kid gets a trophy and there are no losers. Parents try to overly protect their children from the harsh realities of life. And when that child grows up, it doesn't know how to handle situations on its own. After re reading this, I feel I must clarify something. This is not an attack on those who suffer from the situation. My statements are directed at the overall pussification of American youth as a whole. I do give my condolences to you and your friends family.
  13. The chassis is one of Jim's inhouse chassis'
  14. Sudden impact never ran a Racesource. That chassis was an inhouse from somebody. But definitely not from Pablo.
  15. Chassis is clearly a Patrick. Body is an S-dime
  16. Hey Patrick... Why not just put the overkill chassis up for download in the scrap yard
  17. So. After much deliberation, it has been decided. My college buddy Tony and I are forming a band. Support Your Local Gunfighters! The band is in its very early stages, we still need a drummer and vocalist, and have no music written. Essentially, we are a band that isn't together and we don't play. The alternative to alternative? But in all seriousness. My friend and I are forming a band. I will be on bass and my buddy Tony on guitar. He comes from a metal/scream background, and I from the thrash/funk/alternative side of rock. we will attempt to blend those genres once we find a drummer. So far we have just been jamming randomness and tying to make sense of it. Ill keep yall updated on this project of ours as we make head way on it. \m/ \m/
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