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Everything posted by D.Sommerfeld

  1. since when did this thread become not about the Houston show? It seems like this has changed to where's Meents at instead of Atlanta. I ment Detroit as well, but it was really late when I made the thread. So that was my bad.
  2. I would love to see those trucks in the field. I hope your statement turns into reality, but only time will tell on who the other trucks/drivers will be. With MaxD I think it will be Niel Elliot, because Kreg is drving in the last Houston show and Tom Meents was scheduled for the 7th, but will be in Anihiem the 14th and the only Grave Digger driver as of late that will be not driving on the 14th is Chad Tingler so I'm expecting him in Grave Digger.
  3. Well this is a interesting surprise. The Houston Texans finally get thier first playoff birth and they are having to push back the Monster Jam show I was going to the next weekend. This is kinda of a shame because I the field of trucks was pretty insane, now Feld is having to scramble for trucks. Right now the 8 trucks that are going to be there are Grave Digger, Maximum Destruction, El Toro Loco, Metal Mulisha, Lucas Oil Crusader, Spider-Man, King Krunch, and the Rod Ryan Show truck. Now I've seen commericals that one of the surprises will be the monster truck backfilp, but heres the thing, the field of trucks isn't going to be the same. I still think it would be a good show, but not as good. What is your guys opinion on this occurance? I know Feld will try their best to get back a good field of trucks, but man they only have little over a week now to get up to the 16-20 trucks they had for the 7th. Still can't wait for the show however, a monster truck show is a monster truck show after all.
  4. Name: Daniel Sommerfeld Truck: Stomper 2011 AIM: TrainBoyRam
  5. All the projects are looking good so far. the world finals tracks are looking great and all the custom stuff is looking good as well. Keep up the good work and I can't wait for next year.
  6. I was wondering if anyone that has a Xbox 360 has Forza Motorsports 4 and has Xbox Live. I'm looking for people to race with and just have some good clean fun. GT: RnR_Train Feel free to message me or friend me as well, making sure to tell me who you are from here.
  7. This is the type of league setup I've been wanting to work with in RoR. I can't wait for season 3.
  8. just by looking at them, looks like Dennis' will be the bottom one that just has the 30 right under the window. I do like them, but since it is just for the 30th anniversary they will change at the start of the season after.
  9. I wish I had speed channel still I miss watching Monster Jam. What package is it in with Comcast if anyone has them as their provider?
  10. i'll be on it for tomarrow night Daniel Sommerfeld Monster Mutt Rottweiler TrainBoyRam
  11. D.Sommerfeld

    NOTICE: 8/28

    well i hope everyone thats here on the east takes great care over the this week and pays close attetion to the weather. be safe and maybe a safe bet is to go ahead and cancel the event this sunday. just a suggestion
  12. Truck Name: Martial Law Real Name: Daniel Sommerfeld AIM: TrainBoyRam
  13. Full Name(First and Last): Daniel Sommerfeld Truck: Western Renagade Aim: TrainBoyRam
  14. Full Name(First and Last):Daniel Sommerfeld Truck:Spiderman AIM Screenname:TrainBoyRam
  15. I'll get on in this action. Name: Daniel Sommerfeld Truck: Time Flys AIM: TrainBoyRam
  16. Welcome to RoR METH. Hope you start where you left off in MTM2 and make up some good trucks/tracks for RoR.
  17. interesting find with backdraft in the 1st picture but DANG does avenger look nice this time round. better then that blue scheme he had last year.
  18. this will be a good track for freestyle, way better then last years. anyways a video of the whole track (practice runs)
  19. 7th for my first KoTH in awhile isn't bad. anyways who won freestyle out right?
  20. if anyone is having trouble connecting to my server...update your RoR game. Sun Mar 20 16:56:09 2011|t02|ERROR|ERROR Listener: bad version: RoRnet_2.35. rejecting ... Sun Mar 20 17:01:15 2011|t02|ERROR|ERROR Listener: bad version: RoRnet_2.35. rejecting ... Sun Mar 20 17:01:41 2011|t02|ERROR|ERROR Listener: bad version: RoRnet_2.35. rejecting ... thats what my server log has given me recently. that tells me your RoR isn't the right version. Anyways i think if anyone times in below 50s they have a shot at making the field. then again maybe 47s and under might be the field. won't know till everyone chimes in to take a lap. EDIT: Dig beat me to it lol and yes its the 37.126 not .38.
  21. its going to be a fun world finals this year thats for sure. I'm glad that Zimmer is back for his 2nd time and Jeremy Slifko getting his first crack at it as well. Can't wait for the event to happen!
  22. got to remember that the new players haven't seen the MTM2 builders post posts on thier projects before, so they don't know Anyways looking good everyone
  23. where have I seen ^^^ before?? anyways can't wait for KoTH Sunday now. looking good
  24. very nice interview with Dennis. Its very nice to see that hes one of the drivers that hasn't forgotten the past and heck he even would like to see Bigfoot come over to monster jam, but we all know and he can sense it will never happen. Nice work Dig on conducting this interview.
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