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Joey 🅱️

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Everything posted by Joey 🅱️

  1. The freestyle tracks don't work for me for some reason. Only the racing tracks work.
  2. Well you hate me forever now lol I just want a new Metal Mulisha on ROR.
  3. Finally a new Metal Mulisha! Really looks good. Love it!
  4. Great first Fall Madness for the Eastern Beast! Qualified 16th and ended up losing in round 1 to Blake. But freestyle I had a great wheelie, had an amazing save, had great air, and I had an epic ending with huge air and landing hard on the ground. Congratulations to @SethHolloway1 and @Ray Billings! Can't wait for next year!
  5. the freestyle video wont play because it has Muyap
  6. Did you try to be Tom Meents in that first picture again? You gotta stop! It'll kill ya! They look cool.
  7. Won't be able to make it because I have mostly Cs for school of course mid-terms had to come out the week of fall madness
  8. When will the next season start?
  9. I think there's a thread that's similar to this but, screw it. I think my favorite world finals had to have been World Finals 9. World finals 9 had a triple, had lots of momentum, and a couple of great runs. I think my top 3 favorites had to of been: #3: Steve Sims/Stone Crusher #2: Tony Farrell (I think)/Blue Thunder #1: Adam Anderson/TAZ Adam really deserved this win. World Finals 17 though he didn't.
  10. Custom track? Looks good for a first track. Keep up the good work, man!
  11. Gaithersburg 2015??!! So happy Really love it. Can't wait for it to be released! Keep up your good work!
  12. Is the last one a combination of bigfoots and snakebite?
  13. 10 hours?? Jesus, you're working your ass off on the body. Lookin' good.
  14. Sorry double post I need some updated decals for Red Solo Truck and I need the flag decals for Equalizer and Red Solo Truck, as well.. Can someone send me some? Doesn't matter if you message me them or not.
  15. Joey Burgy You got it m8 Pirates Curse I'll send the link tomorrow I can be an official if you'd like me to.
  16. Joey Burgy Joey Burgy Pirates Curse I'll send the link sometime after WRA.
  17. When will there be a track link? Or am I just not seeing it Don't get mad at me for asking this. I'm not asking when the track will be released.
  18. Joey Burgy Joey Burgy Beast from the East http://www.mediafire.com/file/abxajplz8on9r1b/Beastfromtheeast.zip
  19. I was thinking about doing something Monster Truck Throwdown-related. My favorite event from this year's Monster Truck Throwdown tour was the Monster Truck Madness event at Mount Pleasant, Michigan. I love the tracks (ever since 2013 or 2014), the trucks that go there, the wow factors, just anything there. Sure, racing is sometimes better than freestyle (particularly these last 3 years in my opinion) with more crashes, more action, and close races.
  20. Anybody have a logo from "TheMonsterBlog" I can use?
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