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File Reviews posted by ABgamerX

  1. Overall, these tracks are really good, although there are some things that I noticed on some of the tracks.

    San Diego 2009: The center mound is a bit too tall, and the "launch ramp" is not supposed to be taller than the entire mound. Also for the down ramp, I feel the bottom half of that ramp is pretty steep and could be leveled out more towards the ground and extended in length a bit.

    Miami 2009: I would lower the height of the racing lanes, I know they are not exactly on ground level, but they're not that high off the ground. A lot of the freestyle ramps are pretty steep (except for the FMX ramp, which was kinda steep irl, so it's fine). And the blue racing lane's paint is just not correct, with the red one being slightly off (This is the best pic of the whole track I could find: https://i.lensdump.com/i/0fU3Aa.png). I feel a few more reference pics that covers all angles of the track can help.

    Arlington 2010: Again I feel the racing lanes are a little bit too tall. Also the wheels on the RV model look very stretched out vertically and/or squished horizontally. If you scale the RV model, try to keep the wheels circular, otherwise the wheels will just look like ovals and looks weird.

    Again, these tracks are really good, just some stuff to consider when making future tracks.

    • Like 1

    SM V5

       7,368    38

    I love the use of Substance Painter on the props. I used it myself a bit in one of my 3D modeling classes, and it is a great way for mapping out materials, putting base textures, patterns, and images onto the props, and getting the shaders to where you want it as well.

    • Upvote 1
  2. Do what you want cause a pirate is free, you are a pirate!
    Yarr har fiddle dee dee
    Being a pirate is alright to be
    Do what you want cause a pirate is free
    You are a pirate!
    You are a pirate!

    We got us a map (A nao!)
    To lead us to a hidden box
    Thats all locked up with locks (with locks!)
    And buried deep away

    Well dig up the box (The box!)
    We know its full of precious booty
    Burst open the locks
    And then we say hooray!

    Yarr har fiddle dee dee
    If you love to sail the sea
    Weigh anchor!
    Yarr har fiddle dee dee
    Being a pirate is alright to be
    Do what you want cause a pirate is free
    You are a pirate!

    Arr yarr ahoy and avast
    Dig a deep and youre digging too fast
    Hang the black flag at the end of the mast!
    You are a pirate!

    Were sailing away (Set sail!)
    Adventure waits on every shore
    We set sail and explore (Yaar har!)
    And run and jump all day (Yeah!)
    We float in our boat (The Boat!)
    Until its time to drop the anchor
    Then hang up our coats (Aye, aye!)
    Until we sail again!

    Yarr har fiddle dee dee
    If you love to sail the sea

    Land ho!
    Yarr har fiddle dee dee
    Being a pirate is alright to be
    Do what you want cause a pirate is free
    You are a pirate!
    Yarr har! Wind at your back lads wherever you go!
    Blue sky above and blue ocean below
    You are a pirate!

    You are a pirate!

    Gaithersburg 2013

       521    0

    Great track, If I had to nitpick some things, I would say to edit the collision mesh of the van on the bus stack because it seems to be pretty steep and seem to be getting more backflips than sky wheelies. Also when submitting a track, I would have the screenshots be focused more on the track itself and not purely on the truck (You can have trucks in the screenshots obviously, but they should show that the track is the main attraction of the screenshot. In this case, the screenshots to me scream a lot more Backdraft than Gaithersburg).

    Anaheim 2020 Show 2 Green

       2,354    0

    Good job on the track, but like I said in Discord, there needs to be a car in place of the bus, with some dirt coming up slightly to make the car at a slightly higher elevation than the other 2 cars.

    Tacoma 2019 custom

       1,381    1

    I like some of the creativity used for this map, especially the tire backflip ramp and a ramp where you can launch your self from the entrance into the center of the track 👍

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