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Posts posted by ABgamerX

  1. 23 minutes ago, Matthew_Strome18 said:

    it's probably just the picture, but the racing jumps look a bit small in width (if that makes sense)

    apart from that, it's pretty neat.

    It's probably the picture, I used the test truck prop to get a good width for the racing lanes (I would post a pic to prove it, but I don't wanna double post, lol)

  2. So I've been practicing with making tacks in Blender, and I'm pretty happy with my progress so far with this custom El Paso track:


    The ramp paint isn't really that good yet, I'll fix that later. And I still gotta paint the race lanes on the track, then racing should be done:


    I will admit that it's not bad at all for my first REAL attempt to make a decent looking track :)

    EDIT: Yes, the abomination in the upper left corner of the second pic is supposed to be a jammer XD. Maybe I'll try and fix that as well :P

    • Upvote 4
  3. 12 hours ago, Medalwarrior215 said:

    How do I reverse in a truck in ror 37.126 

    Use the A key to shift forward and the Z key to shift backwards. then use the up arrow key to move. My guess is that you used .4 arcade controls (Not that it's a bad thing, but imo, these shift keys make it more realistic). Page up/down is another option, but I find A and Z to be more convenient.

    • Upvote 1
  4. 23 hours ago, Chazzymp said:


    Recently came back to a project I was working on with @Zman5499. What do you guys think of the paint so far?

    It looks pretty good, one thing I'd suggest doing is moving the sway bars on the front shocks. They're supposed to be in the front of the truck, not behind the front shocks (If that makes any sense). Here's a picture for reference: Anaheim_022517_EvanPosocco-5507.jpg

  5. 1 hour ago, iZonarYT said:

    Well for the 3rd week in a row @Edy takes the win again. Congratulate him on another fantastic photo, and give @Hyp Hop Hyp Hop Hypocrite a big congratulations for a close second!

    Week 13: 2015 Houston FS1 (NO EDITING) 

    Well, I suppose the no editing rule is fair, since Edy would just win for a 4th week in a row, lol. (Not that that's a bad thing, lol)

  6. My friend is looking for the version 4.6 download link so he can participate in my ROR events, but I can't find the link that was posted on here anymore, nor can I find it anywhere else. If anyone can find the download link for us, then we'd really appreciate it :)

  7. Most of us are able to connect to 4.7 servers perfectly fine (But again 4.7 handling is terrible), but it seems like I'm the only person who's getting it to work, we really do need help because I wanna start a league with some other you tubers and all they get are those 2 error messages. I wanna start it as soon as I can, but we can't until the .38 servers start working for everyone. Do we need to download something for the servers to work or something like that because someone mentioned that to me once before?

  8. My favorite Monster Jam moments I've seen IRL are:

    Dennis Anderson's amazing wheelie in Toronto 2009, Jim Koehler scoring a 34 of 35 in Toronto 2012, Max-D's save in Toronto 2012, Max-D's save in Toronto 2015, and Son Uva Digger's bicycle in Toronto 2016. (This is the closet stadium venue to where I live and my dad won't take me to other stadium events, lol)

  9. 2 hours ago, monsterjam9876 said:

    the servers may be down or maby there getting shut down like .38 and .37 but i hope not.

    I'm able to connect to the Rigsofrods.org 12000 and 12001 servers perfectly fine now, idk why Garrett can't connect, and another one of my friends seems to have the same issue as well now, but I don't think they're getting shut down :/

  10. I need help because whenever I try to use .38 or 4.6 for multiplayer, I keep getting these error messages when loading the game:

    Can someone help me resolve these issues so I can start using Multiplayer on these versions? I have 4.7, but I don't like the handling at all :/

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