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Everything posted by Outlawed

  1. new room but the setup remains the same
  2. you guys kill me, it has a few bits that are on that are unreleased items and seeing how I believe those items were made by him, why would he not use em? (Most of the stuff on it you can download from the scrapyard section). Anyway's if I had one thing to complain about it would be the wheelie bar poking through the tailgate. Also if you do intend to release it as shown or close to, would it be possible for some of those parts to be put up in the scrapyard to aid others with their projects?
  3. It's kind of hard to have an opinion on a skin that based off a render only.
  4. This change confuses the hell out of me, as a money hungry cooperation, why would you change a popular truck so drastically? More to the point, who the hell was the glue sniffing panel that this abomination was revealed to prior to making this public that agreed this was a good direction to head? Unless FELD is doing this to kill off Legend to bring in some other god aweful corporate truck...
  5. The more things change, the more they stay the same don't they?. To say your lack of experience had nothing to do with this event crashing is just a straight up wrong. 1) Changing the track almost before show time. I mean come on this one is a no brainer, there was no reason to change it and added almost 2 hours in delay to the start time. Even when it proved to be a mess, rather then making the decision to stick with it or change back to the original one, you flip flopped between the two, causing confusion and even further delays. This is a blatant rookie error. 2)Making a rule list and not adhering to them. What exactly was the point of evening having them? And you want to blame the participants (you know the people that are the reason you even get to hold an event) for questioning why rules are not being followed and then you get upset when they escalate to brute arrogance because you refuse to acknowledge fault? Not implying I agree with some of the things the competitors did in chat, but the fact there was more then one person voicing displeasure should have been a indicator there was something wrong. Bert your a good guy and I have never had an issue with you but 2/3rds of your post is still blaming other people for the collapse of tonight's event. The thought that people need to re-evaluate exactly why we are on this site is just ridiculous, we are all here for the same reason. Times will not always been sunshine and rainbows but that is no reason to pack up and leave at the first sight of clouds. gonna lock this up now
  6. Aslong as people are civil with voicing their displeasure or concerns there will be no repercussions, if you are going to go off in a cuss fest and take arrogant personal jabs then it will be dealt with accordingly.
  7. na its a joint, those offroad bodies are not designed to be perfectly smooth and one piece.
  8. Thank you to all the old farts that showed up for this and were able to reminiscent for a couple of hours. cheers!
  9. 323 downloads

    Another one of my old MTM2 custom trucks. Body is a DiRT2 rip, mapped by SealedGecko and skin by RKM. Everything else was made by the community or by me. cheers!
  10. File Name: Can Am X-Team 2013 File Submitter: Outlawed File Submitted: 22 Nov 2013 File Category: V4 Customs Another one of my old MTM2 custom trucks. Body is a DiRT2 rip, mapped by SealedGecko and skin by RKM. Everything else was made by the community or by me. cheers! Click here to download this file
  11. The Disharoon's are making a comeback, Rick's son will be driving this (incase your too new to remember Rick used to own/drive Backdraft)
  12. Also finished this up tonight, that leaves only Grave Digger 16 for Racesource's I need to finish.
  13. Okay just curious here, why are you asking for Enraged, Blackout and Sick Kiss? They exist only in virtual format and are not even real trucks. Second NEA has not even debuted, so how are we supposed to know that one either?
  14. http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/topic/2323-guide-requests/
  15. http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/topic/184-guide-requests/
  16. Well we can right the course of this sinking ship Figured it was appropriate to bring this truck back for Fall Madness as it was the truck I had success with in the last MTM2 Fall Madness. As for the game breaking part of it, well you will just have to wait...
  17. Update has been uploaded for anyone interested http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/topic/5853-scrapyardoutlawed-replica-chassis-pack/
  18. I suppose that it should be surprising that you releasing anything you have posted was too good to be true.
  19. I think you missed this http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/topic/5591-a-note-concerning-v5/ Do what you like with your content but it would be a massive step forward in a positive direction if you did release it.
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GyXzPV4OjRQ in all seriousness BF is slow and boring to play and I have played BF2/3 aswell as the COD series. The only redeeming quality is doing stupid shit in the vehicles and hitting people with em.
  21. Oh it's not something new or ground breaking, just taking it to a stupid level
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