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Everything posted by Outlawed

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nEbTe1GBIIQ
  2. was a gimmick TBH and I dont miss it one bit
  3. what with that picture of wildfoot in your avatar?
  4. ramminator looks good, even though that is not a favorite scheme of mine
  5. OutlawedRacing 12:26 pm can i ask a totally honest quesiton teammeents12 12:26 pm sure OutlawedRacing 12:26 pm are you retarded? teammeents12 12:26 pm no and why OutlawedRacing 12:27 pm oh no reason other then the awesome thread on sim monsters about you pestering people for unreleased stuff and trying to imposter people teammeents12 12:27 pm NO IM NOT
  6. must say ross your skins are absolutely beautiful
  7. just a overrated gimmack just like RTS for MTM2, sorry but I will pass
  8. has been awhile since i posted something tube related
  9. good to see it brought over Roach
  10. meh had a okay night, despise the FS layout with a passion
  11. who cares? I am sure dan wouldnt mind some cash flow for feld to use or buy his mold
  12. dunno if I am gonna be able to make it home from work in time to qualify
  13. you take that middle vert line along the arms and pull them out a bit more would help alot. but crazy stop teasing and start putting stuff ingame
  14. dont matter I wouldnt make the field in either races
  15. because they are parts, you want to build a truck for ROR there you go
  16. woot another turn for me to mess up and roll over on
  17. sorry for leaving in a fit of anger, I was a idiot and left my aim up and it ruined my FS. aim window pops up in front of ROR screen = me one hitting like a noob. the awesome part is it happened to me in qualifying by the same person whatever I will be ready to go for the next event
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