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Everything posted by Outlawed

  1. you count downhill mountain biking?
  2. that white strip around the outside of the wheel needs to go
  3. I might be the only one to say it but good riddance, never liked the truck to be honest and hated even more when on TV they talked about that big old "ford horsepower" when everyone that isnt dumb knows what FELD runs for blocks in their trucks
  4. even though I am not staff anymore, I still get a message a day or so from people (I mean I made the report imposters post I know) about that Tony Meents kid. god he is a dumb SOB
  5. telling them no and then ignoring them is pretty much the best thing you can do (besides getting email address's and AIM names)
  6. i cant stop staring at that sexy chassis, wonder who made it?
  7. I was at the hospital with my nan at 3:30pm PST after she had another erratic heartbeat episode after being released from hospital a week and a half ago. Sorry to say but my last alive grandparent takes importance over video games. I was hoping that my mtm2 reputation of not blowing off events would have given me a bit of lee way but no such luck. Atleast the driver that took my spot made the most of it and like I said on AIM Josh I hope I didnt slow down proceedings. Also I am not looking for pity so please do not message on this thread saying sorry to hear or anything, if you want to message me on AIM or whatever that is fine but this post is just for clarification purposes. thanks
  8. not to mention that editing the body alot screws up the uv map and which you have to remap it
  9. try super anti spyware http://www.superantispyware.com/downloadfile.html?productid=SUPERANTISPYWAREFREE or kaspersky are you best bets
  10. porter apparently is in a CRD so he might surprise you.... or not lol
  11. na I'm not like that. I am gonna have to enlist someones help to put it ingame once I get to that step but other then that its going pretty well.
  12. welp here is what I got of western renegade thus far
  13. It's simple guys, when ever a imposter comes onto the server wanting a track, pretended to be someone else, go along with it and be like okay I need your aim name or email. Then come onto here post the information the idiot gave you and we will look into it. Simple enough no?
  14. yes there will be different variations of different trucks such as Max-d, digger and a few bigfoots
  15. the only thing keeping me from racing is the fact there is MASSIVE amounts of people showing up to events, its not a bad thing at all but I have no desire to sit for 2 hours while qualifying occurs
  16. star marshell is a new PEI and down syndrome chuck is the old Holman chassis http://monsterphoto.iwarp.com/holb206.htm
  17. last one I am doing for a while, need a break. 90% done minus wheelie bar, 4 link tabs and cab floor
  18. my buddy is the one with the PRS guitar with the classy old english hat ha
  19. uh I think its the flame motorsports pack, demkos race source shocks are 32,000 verts for 8 shock bodies and resivors
  20. actually 19,0000 verts isnt bad, the worst one for the new pack is 16,500+
  21. hope the people putting the truck pack ingame dont mind a late addition
  22. really? I hope you are that Tony Meents kid that has been harassing people in the online servers and even impersonating Mr. Josh Dig Rhodes and Liquidfire in a sad attempt to get the world finals 12 track. please be him so I can send your buns packing.
  23. rigged! i totally got the 10,000 post
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