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Everything posted by Outlawed

  1. logo on the roof looks a bit gross but if you can work your magic like on west renegade it will be one sexy truck also been bending some more tubing:
  2. to run ROR properly you need a pretty good computer, its not the stuff you see on screen but the actual physics that eat your FPS alive (I think that is the way LF explained it to me)
  3. posting a explanation for the reason why, vs just the outright reason clarifies things a bit better. I will make a note of it for my tracks.
  4. hey dig I will take Western Renegade then.
  5. looking good diggy, does this mean Half Breed name wise has been retired?
  6. any chance the scrapyard or download section for blender models?
  7. the only MT related thing on TV so for most new people its referred to as "monster jam" no harm, no foul.
  8. hope this helps: http://sim-monsters.com/forums/index.php?app=tuts&module=tuts&section=tuts&t_id=19
  9. thanks for putting that ingame bud
  10. dirt rollar, jump over car with dirt landing to jump over car set with no dirt landing I should actually be able to make this one and if need be I cant host a ROR server for you.
  11. try flickr, monsterblog, if they have a truck dedicated website (I think they do) or if they have a facebook page. cheers
  12. you try clearing and regen the cache?
  13. its getting there folks (skin by PC)
  14. doh, that was my bad. Totally forgot about the trucks that are not standalone and have to be added to the SM truck pack to work
  15. well hopefully this helps" if I need to add photos just let me know http://sim-monsters.com/forums/index.php?app=tuts&module=tuts&section=tuts&t_id=19
  16. As per RKM in chapter 5 about the Legend body:
  17. I think that Adam Anderson will be null from that rule
  18. well the only reason I could see they say no is because before the new pack is out you have 3 gears and now with the new pack you will have 2 gears. it all comes down to preference but I will tell you that automatic transmission shifts too early. I usually run auto clutch with manual shifts. also huge high five for actually reading around and getting a vibe of the place, shows maturity which this place could use more of)
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