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Posts posted by Outlawed

  1. The converter should not matter, I have been exporting trucks with the same blender and converter since Sim Monsters has been around, Have never gotten an error like this for any ROR version (37,38,39, 4.5 and 4.6) so there has got to be something that you are doing incorrectly when exporting the mesh.

  2. 1 hour ago, Jon Cannon said:

    They've built their company on bash/play vehicles entirely, and that's where the market is in R/C, entirely. 85-90% of people who own R/C vehicles bought them just to play with in their backyard in the first place, and that's why Traxxas is the most recognized R/C company in the world. So I don't really think you can blame them.

    I still cannot understand why people expect Traxxas would even consider a solid axle monster truck to release, they have their bread and butter layouts that have been refined over the years. Axial's trucks are just as much of a let down when Axial was only allotted $140-150 dollars to make the truck (the kit costs consumers $400+ so that shows you roughly what the licensing for FELD and BKT was).

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  3. The thought process behind the preloaded curved main rail vs a straight main rail was to deflect the vertical force of landing impacts from causing the main rail to bend or at the very least if it did it would take longer to bend past straight (or atleast that is how it was explained to me). Looks good thus far!

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