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Posts posted by Outlawed

  1. they have flat faces due to being 8 vert cylinders (the lowest vert count I could use without causing them is distort once smooth). You have to set them smooth with a 60 degree edge split to keep the 4 link tabs and shock mounts looking like flat plate. I leave them like that to help visual lineup cylinders inside other cylinders without overlap.

  2. You have to look at the age group that monster trucks actually cater to, the one thing remaining constant is that those established people have gotten older, people have jobs, girlfriends, college, etc. Real life eventually takes over and peoples free time for this game dwindles. The only way to maintain any progress forward is to have new blood added. Funny thing is if people had their way right from the start, Johan, Mark C, Eddy, etc would still be banned from the site, so before going all "build a wall keep them out!" maybe reflect and bit and humble ourselves just a touch, ya?

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  3. Funny thing is that I never get harassed about releasing stuff, though I release my stuff for everyone to use however they like, within reasonable time frames and rarely post photos in SYP to indicate what I am working on or to get dem upvotes. But who I am kidding, like anyone cares about chassis's. 
    Nobody is under obligation to release what they post nor do they have to respond to others inquiring about their content. This issue is only as large as you people make it to be, so no there will never be a password protected SYP thread.
    Look how well our locked V3/4 pack forum section did, we had people attempting to scam site accounts, AIM accounts, skype accounts, emails, etc just to get whatever they could. Funny however that some of us forget being young conniving poo heads on the internet but maybe that is just me.

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