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Posts posted by Outlawed

  1. 56 minutes ago, Mark Colineri said:

    I know Adam's rebuild has been posted already, but what is more important here is the caption.


    Paul Cohen will be leaving Monster Jam in the near future to work in his own shop.

    Paul will never get the full credit for what he has done for the sport from his behind the scenes fabrication at the Digger shop but the man is a metal working god.

  2. After you make the changes to the truck file you just to file and save (or save as) if your truck you are trying to alter is in a zip you have to keep the zip open in order for you to save over the truck file you are altering.

  3. Well that means that the changes you are making to the truck file are not being saved correctly then. When you are viewing the truck file are the changes you make staying or are they reverting back once your done?

  4. 1 hour ago, 1029Eric said:

    Version does not matter. You need to add gravediggerredflare.dds and gravediggerredflare.material if you don't have it.

    Completely false statement seeing as the fix is not needed for 37. So now lets move onto actually fixing the problem.

    What version of ROR are you using? Where did you get the BKT tires? Are the tires invisible/non existent or are they there but just white?

    • Upvote 1
  5. Just for clarification on the matter, there is a very simplistic ruling in the SMRA rule book as per "Limit of 6 drivers per team". While this has no clarification for a smaller team piggy backing onto a larger team or a excessively large team splitting into two but pooling their money together (which will be revised after this season is complete). It was more of a "gentlemen's agreement" to keep teams from amassing so much money that the budget expenses became irrelevant. Since the issue was brought up about RPM and Zone Out Racing being a 10 man team, I told Mark that aslong as their budgets were separated and treated each team as a separate entity it would be fine. Mark doing their budget for them so they can compete is an agreement between RPM and Zone Out Racing. I did this for The Machine Shop last year so that Cannon and Tyler could continue competing as their budget was nearly 3 weeks out of date.

    TLDR: The rule is vague and open to interpretation, if Micks would still like to leave RPM I cannot stop that but as for him changing teams to DJM, they are already have the maximum allowable drivers for the upcoming year.

  6. On 20/05/2015 at 0:25 AM, BoomBaby said:

    Who knew this team could get worse


    On 20/05/2015 at 11:35 AM, BoomBaby said:

    Why would i even consider joining you


    On 30/11/2015 at 0:37 AM, BoomBaby said:

    im not signing the contract unless i get payed more than everyone else, im a 2-time world champion and i deserve to be paid like it.


    16 hours ago, BoomBaby said:

    this is the best team ever, always has been.



    • Upvote 1
  7. You can jump to whatever conclusions you want to, Vegas is supposed to be the best monster truck show in the world. Last year proved the new blood is needed (Morgan, Colton, Coty, Mikey, Dustin), it is time to weed out the people just happy to be there with people that want to win.

  8. On 21/02/2016 at 9:50 PM, John Dough said:

    I disagree, the one was a bit of a stretch but King Krunch was very subpar for filling the clock, the only one who got screwed was Pirate's Curse who basically filled the clock but got shut off for a few minutes halfway through and got way underscored because of his momentum being lost, otherwise the judges nailed it

    Agreed that Steven got underscored but just a tidbit on King Krunch (hopefully without coming across as an excuse), David Smith is using a new set of Overtime shocks on the truck and what was told to me from someone who talked to Mike Wine (crew chief for David) and David is that they are having a hell of a time setting them up. Overtime has basically shrugged their shoulders with the only help being "try them and let us know so we can kind of point you in the right direction and have even enlisted the help of the Digger team (my understanding is King Krunch is tagging along in the hauler) to try and get them working properly. A bit silly to try untested components but I can atleast understand why he was underwhelming. 

    On 21/02/2016 at 9:14 AM, Hagan Moskau said:

    Doomsday won racing, a guy posted and said Dan Evans was putting the black firesuit on and was entering the truck. They had no interview with the winner, he just grabbed the trophy and went into the pits as fast as he could.

    I have a hard time believing Dan did a backflip (not saying what you read is untrue but after watching some youtube videos it did not look like Dan driving).

    18 hours ago, NavySonicShell said:

    You know that sand's purpose is to prevent that? Like, just like when they put loads of sand down in Atlanta to counteract the super tacky dirt?

    In theory the application makes sense but you realize that once the sand spreads around on the dirt it is completely pointless? Unless the material is constant (either dirt or sand completely) it is a waste because you still have to transition between the two which tends to be more difficult then if it was just super loose or tacky. 

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