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Posts posted by Outlawed

  1. 16 hours ago, monsterjam1 said:

    now that we looked at the trucks can we take a minute and look at our beautiful fan judging if you remember how good of a job they did last year


    9 hours ago, TheRetroStyle said:

    If we get another "undeserved" FS Champion because of poor judging this year, I'll flip a table. 

    Don't get me wrong, Mikey's run was decent and all, but we all know who should've won that year.

    Someone call animal services we have people beating a beyond dead horse. Despite what you think fan judging had nothing to do with Ryan not winning. Mikey did both flips in regulation (where scores are 1-10) were Ryan did one in bonus were he could only get 5 points max. But here is hoping you "fans" get tumblr triggered again this year so the rest of us have something to laugh at.

    • Upvote 3
  2. 1 hour ago, TheRetroStyle said:

    I'm not saying this field is weak. To me, this year's field seems interesting, bringing back the old and adding in some new. The main reason why Blackwell, Schmidt, and Sims didn't get in this year is because a fifth of the field was taken up by Grave Diggers (4) and Max-Ds (2).

    Interesting is good, new is good. Rod is a average driver and his showings as Vegas has been mediocre at best. Vegas is supposed to be the best event in the world with the best drivers. If I wanted to see trucks putt around on the track I would go to a small event. As far as Blackwell not being there this year, it is not entirely surprising as FELD tends to swap out certain drivers year in and out (Tingler, Blackwell, Huffaker, etc). Sims has always done pretty decent at vegas atleast for freestyle but there is a strong possibility that he just didnt want to participate this year more then he got left out. This sport is starting to hit a transition faze where the new blood needs to be established and shown that it can carry the torch forward. Getting all worked up before they have even taken to the track is silly, let it play out first.

    • Upvote 1
  3. On 12/03/2016 at 8:46 PM, monsterjam1 said:

    exactly he did amazing alot better than half of the trucks on the list


    12 hours ago, Zach Nicholas said:

    Mike Garaffa is not pleased.



    going to chemo for this 

    10 hours ago, monsterjam1 said:

    has the madusa truck even ran this year come on feld this is some bullsh!t

    dont even

    4 hours ago, monsterjam1 said:

    oh havnt been paying that much attention to the main tour but still alex is better

    You and Mike are entitled to your opinion (unless you by chance happen to be the same person) but your opinion behind Alex deserving a spot at Vegas is flawed and made apparent the more you posted on the subject. For my sake (and for most of the members on here), just let it go. No amount of bitching is going to change it.

    3 hours ago, steiale said:

    I bet they're going to have Blackwell drive Doom's Day. He's had a decent season, and aside from a Digger driver, I can't think of anyone that FELD would throw in there. 

    I would imagine they would let the person driving the truck for the past two years have a shot since he has proven he can drive and since he almost made it into the show last year ;)

    2 hours ago, monsterjam1 said:

    randy brown i can see him since he lost his man of steel truck after 1 year because of disney buying the rights to marvel

    Man of Steel was not Randy's and it was only to promote the movie, so it was a one and done deal.

    • Upvote 1
  4. 28 minutes ago, Charlie H. said:

    Well kinda arse Brianna isn't in this year (they really favored the West Coast over East Coast tour TBH) but other than that really pleased with how it's shaped. Now for the final WF competitors!

    Just gonna throw out that Madusa has not been announced for Vegas, is still hurt I think annnnnnnnd Brianna ran a Madusa in the YGS...

  5. Deserving a spot at Vegas is a bit of a stretch. He had a fantastic MJ campaign when he originally got shows (his first season with other promoters were less then fantastic in terms of skill showcasing). Thus far it seems like he still trying to chase that glory down, which is sad because both him and Roy kill it in the summer time. I am not saying that he would do terribly if he was in the main Vegas show, just that he is not at the point of being a shoe in, yet.

  6. 4 hours ago, Charlie H. said:

    Those Racesource trucks just can't hold a candle to the CRDs in these events, and looking at the West Coast tour standings neither can the Groth Brothers chassis

    Was it confirmed that they don't have to pay out of pocket for these events (Basls and Groths I mean)? 


    3 hours ago, TheTruckGuy said:

    Bari will most likely be in the WF, considering he is a former YGS Champion & he did finish second in the series so why wouldn't FELD invite him?

    Also I don't think chassis type has much to do with the Basls' poor showings. If I recall right, both haven't been big freestylers. Darren did get a televised racing win in 2009 from St. Louis, but a lot of the better drivers at that event had breakages all night. I'm not saying they're bad drivers, but they aren't at the same level of competition that the other drivers are.

    Regarding the Groth brothers, you can blame chassis for them. They're both great competitors, and I don't think they'd want to destroy their equipment, although Tyler (I think-the one who drives Zombie) did get an overall event win from Tacoma.


    My understanding of the situation was that FELD covers the bodies and they get to run the tours but that is it (could be wrong but judging by how they typically run, nothing was different besides the body).

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