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Posts posted by Outlawed

  1. 15 minutes ago, 1029Eric said:

    I feel admins could do your job without telling people to leave the site or die.

    Proof on the leave the site or die part? I am not going to bother wasting my time with responding back to things that have already been explained but you choose to ignore because it is not the answer you seek.

  2. 3 hours ago, 1029Eric said:

    Just going to put this out there.

    1)The large amount of people I talk to on Skype who make tracks and trucks and who have an account on here say everyone is "annoying and full of $hit."
    2)I feel stricter rules would make people hate this website even more.
    3)I am going to be honest, I hate almost all admins and administrators on here (no offense).
    4)Most people on here, Not just admins or mods, Need some major attitude adjustments. For example, If you make one mistake you are immediately hated among everyone and if your new to site, you are considered to be the worlds stupidest person.
    5)As for the asking for when tracks are going to be done, I do not see what could be wrong with as long as it is not asked repetitively by the same person.
    6)People should have the right to know when they will be filled with happiness to have a new truck or track to drive or drive on.

    I edited this into numerical points so we can enjoy breaking this down:

    1) I can already hazard a pretty good guess that those "people" have either already been banned once off the site or have earned their reputation on the forum for being annoying or pestering. But I do agree, it is annoying to log onto the site everyday and having to clean up other peoples poo. Either way glad to hear you guys are doing something constructive with your time. (PS paint bucketing over a png does not mean you make "trucks" nor does converting someone else's track to 4.5 mean you make "tracks").
    2) Proof you were not around for how the site was for the first couple of years, trust me, as much as you complain about me abusing my admin powers. Roll back the clock and you would have been removed from the site almost as soon as you joined.
    3) I know right! Those jerks who do a thankless job that no matter what happens people will complain and nice lady about their actions. Thanks Obama!
    4) What is the going rate for a internet psychologist these days?  
    5) Oh the irony (you realize that means you would be removed from the site again if point 2 was put forth right?)
    6) No, it is not your right and the fact that you would state it as such paints a pretty good picture of why everyone on the site is the problem and not you...

    • Upvote 9
  3. Meh, I do not get overly annoyed with people asking about things being made, most of the time they are new to the site (and since they are generally underage) do not understand how to use the search function or what is proper posting etiquette. It does get a bit trying to see some who have stuck around and continue to beg but I realized even back in 2008 when I was still a part of the dying MTM2 modding scene that this kind of stuff happens regardless if you are strict or lax in policing it. Be too strict and you kill off the 1 in a 100 chance that member might stick around making stuff (acdcfan is the best example of this). Be too lax and regular members start to get ruffled enough to stop making or releasing content.

    My advice? Just ignore the mindless sheep but at the sametime it is not fair to punish many because of the act of a few...

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