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Posts posted by Outlawed

  1. To be fair I do not consider myself someone who deserves to be mentioned in that list. What I do in comparison to people who actually can do everything themselves is laughable. There are two major problems I see with how content is made or dealt with on this site. Number one being that the people who are new to tinkering with stuff get shunned pretty hard if all they show off in a SYP thread is that they changed tires on an existing truck. You cannot expect someone to paint the mona lisa if they have never lifted a paint brush before. Number two being existing members on this site who made nice stuff but never end up releasing stuff for whatever reason. You do not have to upload a complete truck, hell I have made that pretty obvious with just releasing parts and chassis's.


    But lets be real, nobody wants to learn how to because that would require doing work.

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  2. I hate to be that guy but there is a glaring mistake with this track. The distance from the infield container wall to the middle stack is like half of the distance it was in real life.




    Just did not want to resize the stadium and re texture it due to the time crunch of needing it done or ? I find it hard to imagine that the group of people beta'ing it would have overlooked this.

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