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Posts posted by Outlawed

  1. obviously the meshes listed are not going to be the ones you need to move, I just copy pasted the lines from the SMRA Canadian Crippler. Also if need be you can use negative numbers (Obvious but I just wanted to make sure you are aware)

  2. No offense Blaize, but can you pls for the love of God and Jupiter make a different truck BESIDES Grave Digger... IK you're making T.N.T., but still, make something DIFFERENT for once!


    Tossing some mighty large boulders in that glass house of yours.

    • Upvote 10
  3. Dennis Taft is not exactly the greatest source to quote here (I mean come on, he has Paukens listed as the driver). Further more, you can clearly see (or atleast I can, without coming across as a know it all dick but with the amount of time I have dedicated to monster truck chassis's, I would like to think I know what I am talking about) that is still a CRD which is CVH's GD23 and the first three photos (with the red shocks) is GD24. 

    • Upvote 1
  4. Moving the shock node is great if your going for proper scale suspension, if not your just removing suspension travel. In the shock prop line you this is what it looks like (you will have to move the shock body, coil and shock shaft)

                30,69,64, -0.025, 0.039, -0.06, -270, 270, 0, SSRSCCshock.mesh
    69,30,64, 0.3, 0.039, -0.0, 0, 90, 270, CCshockshaft.mesh
    First three numbers are the reference nodes the meshes use for movement perimeters. The first decimal number is to move a mesh up and down, second number is to move left and right and the last decimal number is to move front to back. You will have to tinker with the numbers a bit though, use increments of 0.1 or 0.05. The meshes move drastically to small number changes. 
  5. 2. Containers are useless, just like cars, vans, buses and anything else made of metal or wood with tires.

    3. They are forcing non company trucks to have a set of BKT tires or they will be doing less then 4 shows (as per a few independent teams). So that is not going to happen.

    5. There is a new Hotwheels design?

    6. People bitched about the professional judges (who were just feld employees who oversee the shows) and crucify fan judging. MAKEUPYOURGODDAMNMIND

    8. Welcome to the corporate machine 

    9. Because Monster Truck Destruction was a flawless masterpiece.

    10. The bigwigs are the problem, their employees who are actually involved in the monster jam production are actually really nice, down to earth people.

  6. The sad state of the matter is that even if they get caught the punishment for DDOS'ing is basically nothing. Even a couple of the idiots from Lizard Squad that got caught were punished with a slap on the hands. 

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