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Posts posted by Outlawed

  1. modified node structures are generally made to fit the truck (if you hit K ingame you can see the structure as green lines) and have accurate suspension travel.


    you have to hit Y ingame inorder to bring the ingame chatline up.


    Practice, practice, practice. The only thing I can really say is to lead the corners with front steering, swing the rear steer until the truck starts to slide, then carrying the slide through the corner. You will have to play around until you feel comfortable with pitching the truck into a corner and knowing how it is going to react.

  2. It is kinda hard for you to "fake" being someone else Knight, your like Wolfson, eventually you start to make posts and it becomes pretty obvious who you are. (PS even if you didnt your IP gave you away)

    You keep your content demanding in check this time around and you will be just fine.

  3. 11130148_810039599093131_872018358628052

    Ryan's new chassis. Looks like a CRD. Also, check out those drive-shaft loops.


    its not new, it appears to be CVH's Digger

    From what I read, that is only a temporary chassis for now until his new one is finished. I read this information from a crew member, so not sure if it is true or not.

    source or quote? just curious

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