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Posts posted by Outlawed

  1. He did for a little while, I was putting a custom truck together for him (the ironic part is the jester skull he had painted on his first helmet, was an image I cleaned up to put on said truck for him)



    Adam Anderson, Basl brothers and I remember a rumor being told about ROR being on computers in the Digger shop.

  2. Garage Talk

    The loud and rowdy run rampant here. Enter at your own discretion. This is as close to the wild west as it gets, only thing cracked down on here is Porn and Gore... Everything else is fair game. Feel free to make topics about random pictures you find, politics, or anything you dont feel fits on the general forum. Please keep this PG-13.
    To give you an idea of how often it is used, the last post was april 15th in there. Basically it is a place for immature people to be dumb.
  3. AND i edited the props for myself and i don't want to post it for download because people ask for credit AND I DON'T WANT TO DO THAT


    Cleaned up this thread and removed your "threat" honestly kid there is nothing holding you here if you do not like it. The fact that you have a problem with the simplest form of mutual respect on here (by providing proper credit for using content that other members have put up on this site FOR FREE) and you cannot understand why people are getting annoyed? Sheer laziness gets that kind of response. 

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