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Posts posted by Outlawed

  1. I don't how everyone else feels about this, but I see complaints like this a lot about various drivers. Most of the time I have met the drivers that are being complained about and I personally have had a good experience meeting them.


    My feeling is, you don't know what's happened in their real life that day. You don't know how much work they had to put in the night before (or even that morning) on the truck. You don't know whether the kid three spots in front of you on line kicked him in the nuts when they were picked up to take a picture.


    I know you could bring up the argument "I paid money so it shouldn't matter," but keep in mind, they're human. As much as it would be nice for them to act like a robot, that's not going to happen.


    If this happens 2 or 3 times, then I could see having a tainted view of the driver. But I think they should get at least 1 pass.


    I'm really curious if I'm the only one with this mind set, am I?


    I agree but for the sake of a debate I am gonna play the opposite side of the coin on this. You do realize how important fan interaction is for the "sport" of Monster Trucks? First impressions mean everything, it makes it even more difficult when these drivers you idolize do not reciprocate the same positive emotion back to you. We all hear about how what they do is for the fans, they would not be where they are with them, blah blah blah. Yes they are human and yes they are not supposed to be corporate robots but a true hearted driver will be there with a smile on his face.

    • Upvote 4
  2. Morgan has a 5.5 Point lead over Colton in the #MoreMonsterJam tour. It's possible for Colton to win still, but it'll be a challenge. Unfortunately Coty's out. I wonder what the points would look like for both championships if fan judges hadn't been in place.

    I am not too worried, Coty will have his day at vegas soon enough. Hoping that Coty will get in via YGS (Morgan is long overdue for a shot at Vegas IMO).

    • Upvote 4
  3. But they deserve a spot before someone like Zimmer or Elliot? Candice has been mediocre and minus the consecutive backflips George is in the same boat aswell. Look at the last few years with the new people that put on good shows (Buetow, Radoni, Devin Jones).

  4. It is not that difficult to figure out which company trucks will be going, only reason Mutt Dalmatian with Candice driving and Mohawk with George get in is because of their "fan" base (mohawk nation and dalmatian fashion show).

    Cleatus is obvious since Fox1 Sports is still a large sponsor. Zombie will be at Vegas and my assumption is Bari will drive it over Duhon. Scooby will be there with Nicole driving, As for Rottweiler, I am gonna go out on a limb and say that it might be driven by whoever wins the more monster jam series.

  5. Do you think Cam will try a backflip in reverse again, and if he does anybody think he'll use a custom transmission so he can get more speed in reverse?



    There is always the possibility to protect the fuel cell or move it but I was told it is not going to be attempted again.

  6. Kohler will be at Vegas, if you think otherwise then you are just silly. Steve Simms should also be there, he is one of the few people that can put on a decent show each year he has been out there. Steven will be at Vegas again for the YGS, give him a year two and I bet he will make a heavy push to Vegas, he reminds me of Jermey Slifko in his driving ability.

  7. The a piller area (the section between the wind shield and side window) looks a bit jagged, also looking at above the headlights you can see the flat faces between the verts. Do you set your body to smooth with a edge split at all? that will clean up most of it.

  8. Backflops for days here in vancouver. Adam came out of the pits, hit a jump and went right back home again, not really sure why though. My guess is it wasn't shifting out of first, but i have no idea

    Was actually surprised with the amount of flip attempts, also been impressed with the new mutt dalmatian driver, Cynthia Gautheir. Also from the one clip I saw of adam it looked like his throttle cable or linkage broke.


    Willkes barrie track


  9. He mentioned in his post that he is making new driveshafts. As for the scheme's correctness, the photo you are basing it on is from 1995 (I know this as the photo was taken by Eric Stern and Dodge used that very photo for ad's in magazines). The scheme Johan is using has both the world record time and jump distance on the front fenders. These did not both appear on the truck until 1997.

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