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Everything posted by Outlawed

  1. He mentioned in his post that he is making new driveshafts. As for the scheme's correctness, the photo you are basing it on is from 1995 (I know this as the photo was taken by Eric Stern and Dodge used that very photo for ad's in magazines). The scheme Johan is using has both the world record time and jump distance on the front fenders. These did not both appear on the truck until 1997.
  2. because they are in such a rush to finish the show before a set time that they leave trucks on the floor to save time.
  3. Except the drivers are the guinea pigs when it comes to the R&D of these tracks, changing the ramps pitch is fine but constant fiddling will (and has) provided several incidents such as Jim's. And sure the drivers own discretion comes into play, but then you get hundreds of idiots on social media sites blasting them for be boring and not wadding up their trucks. I liked it better when the tracks were simpler and real driver skill shone rather then who can outlast the track.
  4. you sly bugger wambo, I take it from the lack of swaybars you used them as palceholders for the cantilever rockers?
  5. check the log file located in My Documents/Rigs of Rod/Logs/ROR.log Open it up in notepad and it should list at the bottom a error or exception that caused the game to crash.
  6. I have some shots of it from Vegas a couple years ago, pretty sure Eric also got some shots of it at Oakland this year. Would also give me a reason to make the chassis if your serious about attempting it.
  7. chassis is actually the Max-D stunt truck
  8. Interesting, the only thing "escalade" about it is the fact it is a SUV...
  9. Jacksonville videos can be found here https://www.youtube.com/user/jshlacoste06
  10. for 360, it is a unplayable mess on there, cannot imagine PC is any better
  11. I thought you would get vac'd for being in mw2 modded lobbies?
  12. Uhhh clear/regen cache should not delete anything, so that right there is odd. You can try making a duplicate of the terrn file, renaming that aswell as the ingame name.
  13. Guys lets keep this thread on track. If people are wanting to discuss about previous accident/fatalities in a mature informative manner, you can start a thread pertaining to that.
  14. Photobucket bandwidth exceeded so I have to post straight links http://i188.photobucket.com/albums/z313/JerOutlaw/maveriktraxxer_zpsaa748f35.png
  15. some cool stuff to note from this weekend, Kevin King in Strait Jacket attempted and landed a blackflip As did Roy Pridgeon in Ice Cream Man (unsuccessful)
  16. "should"? You expect a driveline part to just fall to the ground, while the driver has the gas pedal to the floor? Watch around 1:04 and then get back to me about what "should" happen.
  17. That is my fear, look at what happened in tacoma, and that was with a truck right side up. the odds of something being flung from the drivetrain with the bottom of the truck pointing at the stands is increased. I still cannot believe they sweeped that whole incident under the rug and completely shunned SIR's kevlar driveshaft blankets but decided beefing up the driveshaft cages was good enough
  18. the leash they are giving drivers with the RII's is ridiculous....
  19. http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/topic/8233-gravediggerredflare-error-and-white-tire-fixes/#entry103021
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