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Everything posted by Outlawed

  1. new double trouble is done also revived a body for someone on here, Dirt2 Chevy Fiberwerx front clip with a Stuka cab and bedsides
  2. Ruined Sim Monsters huh? Odd we are all still here, including all of the people he "hacked" (and just like before, I see is making spoof accounts). Just block the attention seeking douche and lets move on with our lives.
  3. David Smith and the 2 Basl brothers have an extremely busy summer coming up, 5 new chassis's (including 2 for another team) are being currently put together
  4. I am now up to 198 chassis's (that is a total count, there are several chassis that are the same just with a different name), I do not have the time anymore to go through and merge them altogether, aswell that method made it extremely difficult to go back and fix missing or incorrect cylinders. Not to mention that most of the time 75% of the chassis's I have made were never used, that is wasted time that I could use making more.
  5. watch the video file that is in zip that is why it is called a "chassis" pack
  6. http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/1762-2015-outlawed-chassis-pack/ updated, added a couple of new chassis's biggest change is I added accurate receiver hitches to all trucks that have them.
  7. 38 pound chinook salmon using a pink with a neon yellow nose quikfish plug.
  8. 1:20 for moonshot Damon spent most of his run in the air then on the ground
  9. Anytime a mesh shows up white ingame it is because the texture is missing or the name of the texture is different from what is listed in the material file.
  10. physics y u no work? https://instagram.com/p/1UoPQuTJKT/
  11. I handed off Ballistic (or what I had of it since it was given to me), should be done sometime in the near future. Rat Attack I believe Mark made the chassis but getting a body made up was the issue.
  12. Cincinnati more monster jam layout https://instagram.com/p/1T7u00PokS/
  13. Well there are going to be two outcomes, either the independent teams swallow the assimilation koolaid and everything continues as is or the majority stick up a single digit to FELD and in turn smaller promotions are able to put together better line ups or FELD retracts the idiotic attempt to please a sponsor. I am hoping for the ladder
  14. The fact stands, JR Adams and Rich are both industry related and "heard through the grapevine". I highly doubt either one of them would spread some random rumour like this.
  15. The way that ROR reacts to open, split or locked diff's when adding them to a truck file (no line makes them locked by default) would require an overhaul of the engine and gearing (for whatever reason it would increase acceleration)
  16. got some faces inside out on the chassis there fern (the black section of wheeliebar where it meets the main rail)
  17. I listen to quite a bit of Alkaline Trio so it is not that I have a problem with Matt being picked to fill in. I just have been a fan of Blink for so long, I would rather just have the band go back into hiatus (as selfish as that probably sounds). I mean lets do a roll reversal, would you feel the same way if Tom replaced Matt in Alkaline Trio? I know I wouldn't.
  18. Last year fill in driver got zero points for themselves or the person they were filling in for. The idea behind fill ins, is the possibility to make some extra money (or if it is a team truck, they do not have to forfeiting their show up pay). If the driver who signed up in the truck is able to relieve the fill in driver during the event, the points they earn from that moment until the end of the event count. People would abuse the fill in system by intentionally not make an event or coming in late. They could get somebody good to run for them and in turn, earn more points then if they actually participated themselves.
  19. I had a chance to see them in Vancouver after they reunited and I regret that I backed out.
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