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Posts posted by Outlawed

  1. I haven't really voiced my opinion on all of this much, because really it's none of my business to, but you guys are getting so upset over John leaving. He wasn't let go for being the nice guy you see in public. He was let go because of the person he was BEHIND the scenes. 180 degree complete turnaround from what you've seen. And Donnelly, that BSA truck was supposed to hit the track in 2014..... Don't know where you heard it was just for display. 

    Uh two people voiced displeasure towards John not returning for 2015 and none of them asked why. Frankly it is not anyone on this sites business to know why.

    Nor do I need to clean up an unprovoked personal attack against another member (that goes for both parties), deal with your personal stuff in private and not on this forum.


    • Upvote 1
  2. This is a topic that will never go away. The irony of it all is people thought this game was free of this kind of crap in the early years but the reality is there was people running altered truck files as far back as RORMJ, I know for fact of 4 people that were running altered settings in SM season 2 alone. Three of which are highly respected members on here. The truth is people on here have personal vendetta's against certain individuals (I know I can put Mark's name here without causing a problem because we know its all true) and use the argument of cheating to either try to tear that person down emotionally or because they do not want to accept the fact that it is just a video game and just like anything in life, there are people who can do it better then you.  


    A perfect example would be last years MROR world finals, if anyone can recall Mark got called out for running a GD The Legend with a slightly altered shocks2 with the front chassis nodes set to non contactable. Meanwhile Chris Hamilton's Titan, in which he won the Freestyle portion of the event, was also altered but nothing was said about his truck at all. Ontop of that I was even running an altered Max-D, which I had run several times during the year, with non contactable front chassis nodes and altered shocks2 line. Why? Well (no offence to the track makers that helped during the year) there was several tracks with obstacles that I would come into and the truck would hit the nodes and get punted over constantly (this even still happened at the Vegas show for me with the changes).


    My example is not to cause further conflict nor do I honestly really care at the end of the day, its just a game. I personally love the ability to alter a truck to handle in a fashion that is most comfortable for the driver (case in point: SMRA). If people want to bitch, there is nobody forcing them to take part in events or even be part of this community. People wonder why I do not race much, this is the exact reason why. It is almost physically impossible for a single event to go smoothly without some dickhead bitching about something. I play this game to relieve stress, not add further drama to it. Some people need to have a reality check and put their priorities in better order.

    • Upvote 8
  3. Titan is getting rebuilt with a brand new chassis, past that no idea why he is not listed in any of the lineups.

    Crazy to hear the Flame Motorsports trucks are being used for the Basl's. I thought Aaron was the second truck/crew chief for the Huffaker touring pair. Though this is not the first time (Patriot has run as a El Toro Loco a few times on the west coast)

  4. Not intentionally no, but there has been several instances of trucks chucking parts into the stands (Tacoma being the worst, Crusader had a shock cap end up in the stands at one show and the Doomsday encore had a truck chuck some sort of part into the crowd aswell). Trucks are allowed to get even more out of shape and allowed to try to recover from crashes or rolls even more so then last year. You give those two factors more time and there will be more instances of it.

    I am not even going to get into the drivers and how much abuse they take from driving. They do a masterful job of keeping it to themselves and not making it public but if you think they don't hurt, you are just ignorant. These guys and gals put their selves through hell for our entertainment. 

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