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Everything posted by Outlawed

  1. by never coming back onto the site that is how
  2. I personally IP check all new members that sign up on a daily basis, however even I am prone to making mistakes.
  3. The moron has used 3 ip's from his hometown to post and used a proxy site to make his account. As long as I am a part of this site, he will never be welcomed on here, ever.
  4. You want some tasty irony Klayton? He has made a post in this thread...
  5. unless you add a line to change them the diffs are locked be default.
  6. not to sound paranoid but that is why I have several email address's with several different companies/sites. as for the lawsuit, you would have to read up on the laws but I do believe what he has done, and you can prove it, would be enough to atleast blacklist this twit.
  7. I'm not klayton I am overhauling it some more, simplifying it since real world numbers only seem to make the truck perform worse. next update wont be for a little while.
  8. so uh by chance. did you have the same password for everything listed?
  9. I have a bunch from vegas, http://www.mediafire.com/download/tg86c5qc23r2coi/xtermigator.zip
  10. engine inertia did the samething for me. Devin the first post has the stuff you need to copy paste into a pre existing truck file to make it work.
  11. Go read the wiki page for ROR truck files, its just like people putting a value higher then 1 for inbound and outbound on the shocks, it does nothing. Anyway's I retweaked the torque curve again, also tinkered with the engine inertia and the type from car back to truck. Does not feel as sluggish off the get go but still feels like it accelerates a tick to fast in second. thoughts?
  12. game doesn't recognize anything past 1.0 for power multiplier, max RPM has a 1.25x multiplier so if you want 8500 you have to divide it by 1.25 and ingame the engine in neutral powers up well past 1000rpm for idle.
  13. I did some quick changes and updated the truck file above! the trucks will carve a pretty quick doughnut up until about 40mph, then it will start wanting to hike up. Might add swaybars here shortly but we will see! -tweaked the trucks global mass weight down to 4750 from 5000 -dropped min RPM to 700 -raised max RPM to 6800 -dropped torque to 7000 -changed first, second, and reverse gear ratios -tweaked the torque curve a bit more -changed the break force from 85000 to 100000 -moved the weight node and changed it from 1900 to 2000 -change engine inertia from 0.5 to 0.3 and type from car to truck
  14. the shocks will have to be retuned since they were made (rather poorly) for tires that had the collapsing properties of a half inflated balloon, however I believe this gives the trucks a bit more realistic bounces and rebounds. I might tinker with adding swaybars to see how it feels, the suspension is already massively underscaled, I am wanting to get a good baseline going and then tweak from there take a truck file out of your V4 zip/pack, delete everything in the notepad, copy the information above and past it into the truck file, save it and rename it. all there is to it.
  15. nope that was a mistake, fixed now. 1. that is a soundscript issue since the sounds are mapped to the turbogas torque curve, having zero idea how to do soundscripts so that is broken. 3. the suspension is not altered and if it is it is a not a custom tune, most people do their own so I didnt bother tinkering with it. 4. if you have to remove the sensation of speed that we have instilled in us from V4, a truck doesnt enter a perfect drift at 60mph but it is something that does need to be tweaked I agree, however I will admit I didn't have as much of an issue with 2 wheeling. 5. it might have to do with the added weight but the previous weight was around 600 pounds and from the information that was given to me, a Ukraine tire and rim weigh around 850ish. if you can show it in a video or whatever that would help.
  16. So during the past week I had a couple of nights of downtime during my 4th move in 3 years and decided to tinker with a stock V4 truckfile. My aim was to provide a more proper feeling truck but without suspension changes or node/beam edits, with the conclusion of SMRA and before SSRS shut down, people have been wanting a more realistic event from people but the trucks do 70+mph, have tires that try to peel off the rim like gum stuck between concrete and a shoe and slide like a car from Tokyo Drift. Here is the truck file that I will copy paste here for people that want to try it out and provide some feedback if they would like. It uses the V4 Maniac truck as a base so aslong as you have that it will spawn correctly. Boring part incoming but here is what I changed vs a stock V4 truck: -Max RPM changed from 2600 to 6000 (there is a 1.25 multiplier here so with the multiplier it makes the redline 8500) -Torque changed from 11500 to 9000 -Differential gearing changed from 4.30 to 6.10 -Reverse gear changed from 5.0 to 9.5 -First gear changed from 3.06 to 6.8 -Second gear changed from 2.13 to 4.3 -Clutch Force changed from 5000 to 4500 -Shift Time, Clutch Time and Post Shift Time slightly altered -Torque curve changed from turbogas to a custom rpm range I made -Brake force changed from 42000 to 85000 -Traction for front tires changed from 1.3 to 1.6 and rear tires changed from 1.8 to 2.0 -Tire weight changed from 272.7 to 381.0 -Tire spring (stiffness) changed from 150000 to 200000 -Tire dampening changed from 1100 to 1250 Please understand that this is just a generic thing and I am not going to go to crazy with this (however what I learn here will help with further projects and maybe even stir up some people to try to help make these things better) but if you would like to give or leave some feedback by all means please feel free.
  17. Outlawed

    Spin Tires

    full game was finally released and while the 30 dollar price is a bit steep, the game runs smooth and the multiplayer works flawlessly (minus the one hiccup I had last night with LF pertaining to sending him a winch point, him accepting it while changing trucks caused the game to crash) future updates are in the works aswell as the current objective is limited to travelling to a lumbar yard and then driving back across the map to drop it off, a handful of trucks are all that come with the game (apparently there are alot of truck mods out there). I would recommend the game but wish it was about 20 bucks.
  18. had some downtime so I did these PEI LCG PEI LCG XT
  19. sounds like you are trying to use a truck that was made for .37 in .38 and it erroring McAfee is a horrible anti virus, nothing on this site is malicious or harmful to your computer.
  20. Well to be fair, there is nothing respectful about the industry anymore, however he seems to enjoy making theme trucks no matter how stupid they may seem to us.
  21. who needs 4chan for beta/cringe when we have it right on here.
  22. christ the skull on this one is thick, locking again. Giving you a 24 post restrict cooldown and lets see if you make another post for this with demands of getting it ASAP. If so you will have your posting privileges revoked further.
  23. just curious, I went back to rewatch the show and the Twitch channel has nothing listed?
  24. new song from rise against and lets toss a few more in for good measure
  25. same chassis just added 6 new bars, will take all of 3 minutes to update
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