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Everything posted by Outlawed

  1. Most of those videos with vulgar parodies of drivers names were taken down after complaints from a few drivers.
  2. To be fair there is no King Krunch chassis to use currently. Also David Smith modified his Racesource quite a bit in it's current state
  3. SMRA crippler is getting some more detail (gauges are RKM's)
  4. because most engines today are tuned for reliability rather then outright horsepower
  5. I see fuzzy dice hanging of the rear view mirror 10/10 will download
  6. the only help I would ask is for people to participate! I am a pretty particular person and while there is a few people I would trust if I needed the help. In this case, I want to be judge, jury and executioner.
  7. Whoever can put on the best performance with the floor of obstacles they will be given will be the winner.
  8. Keep in mind this kid took some practice runs in Vegas that would have had him in the top half of the YGS grouping, all while driving only a handful of small shows before that. Ryan is gonna be a driver to watch in this upcoming year.
  9. I have been wanting to do this for a while and now that I am almost certain I can host I want to try. Some of you should know (and if you don't your about to) that I came to ROR from Monster Truck Madness 2. One of the biggest things I miss from that game was the large scale special events that were lax on rules and big on fun. Don't get me wrong I love ROR and I think I have made pretty clear I prefer realism over derping. What I think most people misinterpret is I hate derping all together, this is not the case. Most of my dislike stems from people having different views/opinions on what is realistic or not. I want to see the interest an event like this would draw and here is the basic breakdown of what I have come up. So right off the bat I will no be participating in this event however since I will be doing everything (calling people into server, judge, etc). No there will not be any livestreaming though I might do a TS style djing maybe announcing. Track: -Custom event (not based on a real event) Field Size -will be based on how many people sign up Racing Rules -No qualifying -Each racing rounds are randomized. (Yes every round) -Clipping turning cars are their own penalty. -One tiring a racing ramp is a DNF, if both trucks one tire then the first truck to the line wins. -Counter steering using the rear wheels is not allowed, doing so will forfeit your run. Freestyle Rules -There will be no realistic rules other then wall hits. -30 second grace period from the start of your freestyle. (Basically if you roll in the first 30 seconds, you can roll back over and continue your run. Once you use your grace up or the 30 seconds is up, you no longer get grace). -Please note, while crashes will not adversely affect your score if your finding yourself rolling over every other hit, your not going to be getting points for "saves" either -If you end up in a situation where your side, roof or any other position where only 2 or less tires are touching ground, you will get 2-3 seconds to try and right your truck under your own power before you will be called done Vote, comment, let me know!
  10. Meh I was tinkering with making box5's node beam a bit more realistic but the fact is, it is just really restrictive. The shock travels are less then half of what a real truck is, the trucks are geared for vegas (70mph+) and power delivery is just too good. if you want to post what you have been working on feel free to post it here, I do not mind having another persons perspective and to bounce ideas off of. http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/topic/7161-v4-truckfile-tweakingupdate/
  11. why do you care all of a sudden demko
  12. Please re clone this truck as it overwrites the original version. Thank you.
  13. your truck had to be unapproved due to it overwriting the original 106.7 Fox truck. Please fix this when you have the chance so it can be reapproved. Thanks.
  14. Outlawed

    Car Porn

    Dirty thoughts right here
  15. I have never seen a reservoir blow up length wise ever, to say these shocks needed an overhaul is an understatement. They need to be overhauled the F off this truck.
  16. No idea on Larry but Kreg's contract to run a Max-D ended after the 10th anniversary encore at vegas. Chris never had a contract he owned his own truck and sold to to Jim before he retired.
  17. FELD drivers have vacation time or in some cases, drivers are injured and have another driver fill in for them.
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