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Everything posted by Outlawed

  1. http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/topic/3136-how-to-host-a-private-ror-server/
  2. you will have to message me on aim, I have 16 gigs (2000+ photos) that I am sorting through so it would be easier to send zipped folders with the truck you need to you.
  3. anyone that wants photos just let me know, I took photos of basically every single truck there.
  4. Video was posted in February so that was hardly a few weeks ago, I had no idea it was even posted on here, so that was fixed. It is easy to throw out the ridiculously extreme "well if you wont allow this then why do you allow that" perception using completely different ends of the spectrum as examples. Those video posts had a large amount of off topic and deleted posts pertaining to them. My rule of thumb is those posts get pruned to save the aggravation of having to constantly clean up after them. If I leave them people get upset and if delete them people get upset. If I delete it without posting a reason it pisses people off and even when I give a reason it still does. If Klayton's post followed this path then ya, it would have been removed. This is why the SYP gets pruned randomly and causes people to throw their arms up when the stupidest of comments get deleted but others are left up. As for the site having a "bad name" I would like to think that it is not even comparable to how the site was a few years ago, this forum is about as PG-13 and mellow as they come.Now if everyone would like to move on that would be wonderful.
  5. You have be given the password to the Garage Talk section to access it which would not make it "publicly accessible" now would it?
  6. I really do not care about your (or anyone else's) feeble attempt to justify it Tharindu. I am fully aware of some of the downright disturbing stuff you can find on the internet, but how does that fact or the positive end result of what happened to Donald or Dennis gives the green light to post whatever people see fit to? I ask why it was such a big deal that these Titan/Grave Digger videos were of such importance to post on here but not any of pre existing ones out there? As far as I recall Nicole's crash dub was never posted on here and I was not even aware someone even made a WF10 Curse dub. Because you seem to be missing the point I will break it down simple for you, videos of a disrespectful, offensive or blatantly arrogant nature are not welcomed to be posted on a publicly accessible part of the site (that goes for more then just Monster Trucks).
  7. Keep your disrespectful joke videos off of here, I might be in the minority but I was there and got to watch it happen real time, the furthest thing from my mind was "Gee you know what would make the throttle sticking wide open and hitting a wall at 55+ mph funny? A shitty audio dub!".
  8. wish they would have used blue pin striping around the logo on the door, looks kinda goof to have it only on the tribal prints on the fender, colour is meh.
  9. Rock made/was making one that disappeared somewhere
  10. Duplicate accounts, accounts that never validated, banned users (and usually the several attempts to get back on the site). Honestly probably closer to 2,000 legitimate accounts but hey a milestone is a milestone
  11. gonna require some time with a hot knife if those are even gonna come close to the Ecoworks in traction
  12. most of the good custom trucks made on here are too cool for FELD
  13. you need ROR .38? http://sourceforge.net/projects/rigsofrods/files/rigsofrods/0.38/RoR-Setup-0.38.67.exe/download you need ROR .37 back? http://www.gamefront.com/files/20736785/Rigs_of_Rods_37_117.zip the .38 compatible version works just fine in .37 so I have zero idea what exactly your issue is since every problem was solved by doing some very basic searching.
  14. Everyone rejoice! No more posts about V4 not working in .38 no longer! Big shout out to Chris (WorldFinals) for taking the time to convert every V4 truck to work properly. http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/1399-sim-monsters-v4-038-compatible/
  15. God where to start? I will keep this brief since I could write a short story on this subject. I was part of the original group of mtm2er's that moved over to ROR, back when Box5 and Squishy's stuff was considered amazing. Granted my computer sucked and could not even run ROR at that time. I kinda ended up in purgatory but found Blender and began modelling tube chassis's. When Max and Liquidfire had a falling out, I moved to Sim Monsters, ending up with a Moderator position from helping with the V3 truck pack. Cannot really remember how long my tenure was but I stepped down to my belief that moderator's should not be chosen because they make content. However Brian (LiquidFire) became a pretty good friend that has helped me alot over the years (even helping me piece together and build my current computer over Skype) so I told him that if he ever needed help with the site just to let me know. I think I was a normal member for a few months, ended back as a Moderator and I guess over the years of conversing he felt comfortable enough to give me a "junior" Administrator spot. Other then that I am just here because I enjoy being around people that share the same passion for this sport. Wish I was more active in event participation but those beginning years but computer limited me badly and in the same light, I would have probably not had gotten as good with Blender as I have gotten.
  16. I stopped playing after NHL 12, I usually only play Be A Pro offline. Online is nothing but a bunch of one timing, crease passers.
  17. brackets/mounting tabs are pointless because the shock bodies models extend and contract, so there will be instances where it will not line up with the mounts. Go drive my SMRA Canadian Crippler and you will see what I mean.
  18. Well the fact is if you have not dabbled much in ROR your likely hood of running a successful league and it lasting more then a few events stems on several things. I get several messages a month about people wanting to run a league, I generally give them the same response to put more perspective on the subject Have you taken part in or hosted some funruns? Can you or do you even know how host a server? Do you have a rulebook, schedule, points system or anything pertaining to the success of the league already done? Have you gotten anyone to assist or help you with the league? You will need atleast 3 other individuals to help with judging, timing or officiating. The more prepared you are now the more likely your league will not flop. This comes from well over 8+ years of online racing and running leagues, so I kinda I have a inkling how this stuff works.
  19. If you are going to flat out admit to using a false name you cannot be surprised at the questioning of credibility. Minus the fact that you are here to enjoy virtual monster trucks, everything about you is basically unimportant (not in a bad way), enjoy your time here.
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