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Everything posted by Outlawed

  1. Crippler for SMRA is nearing being ready naked I kinda goofed on the original 7.3L Powerstroke layout, the real engine has direct inlets to the heads vs a intake manifold so that has been fixed. Probably gonna model a fuel filter, lift pump and some other bits but I just want to make sure I have a decently pieced together truck considering SMRA starts this coming weekend.
  2. honestly move to 0.39.5 they fixed the issue with rear steer commands affecting the RPM
  3. This is why I am not fond of the labels V4.5 or V5 to stuff since those no longer exist, parts are just parts. My apologies for the assumption but you would not have been the first person to make a incriminating post on here. As for the flare issue, you should have already had it with V4 so not entirely sure what happened there.
  4. the knuckles sound like a conflicting file issue, driveshaft sounds like there was a updated version you replaced it with that was not centred like the old one.
  5. Uh that IP pings to Japan, so I doubt that is a server being hosted on that. If you get an error it means there is no server hosted on that IP
  6. I honestly do not even know what to say to this. I mean if you are a friend of Corey Morrison (Hellfighter), I assume you know he has been removed from this site numerous times. Ontop of that you openly admit to having something that was leaked? Disappointment does not even begin to describe this thread. If you are going to be open to honesty, what exactly was it that you were given? Was the almost certain chance of being removed from the site really worth getting an unfinished, poorly put together truck? I will give you a chance to respond before I decide what exactly is going to be my course of action.
  7. If you want to save time there was a Northern Nightmare made http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/1190-outlawed-replica-chassis-pack/
  8. As the top league (In my opinion) I appreciate what you guys are doing, this opens the door for alot more exploration into realism that we desperately need. The spec set handling that was put in place to make a level playing field but lets be honest, it sucked.
  9. There are CIFPO servers for newer versions of ROR, I guess the .37 server was finally taken down.
  10. I have always been an advocate for being able to drive your truck off the track after your run. The amount of skill it takes to win and do that is underrated in the sport, I mean just look at the goofballs that are getting the chance to drive these days. Crashing 30 seconds into a run and doing extensive amount of damage makes you look like a idiot rather then a hero.
  11. Everyone sees things differently, I personally have been unimpressed and disinterested basically up until this weekend.That is not to say there has not bee some gleaming positives but I suppose it could be my jaded self getting bored with following this sport for so long. But then again if you are going to have the tagline "as big as it gets", you kinda expect more.
  12. Meh 2014 has kinda been generic but this weekend for sure was the best thus far.
  13. Fixing misplaced headers is about as easy as applying an edge split to a mesh and both offer a drastic boost in visual appearance.
  14. We do it because we are just like everyone else that is a part of this site, we are fans of the sport and have the desire to work towards having a virtual adaptation that is semi realistic (I personally think we have something better then any game MT game ever offered. And the best part? There is still plenty of room for improvement. As much as it is content creators on the site that make this go, it is also the people that come to this site and download the content we create that keeps us going to produce more and better content.
  15. http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/topic/5591-a-note-concerning-v5/
  16. Na Lupe will be in El Diablo, the new mold fits a standard cab truck so it would be easy to swap onto Lupe's chassis. Also Providence has a unique floor layout this year
  17. Outlawed

    RoR Download

  18. February 19th/2014 Error Log: Patriot -upper 4 link tabs added New Chassis's Holmans Beast Heavy Hitter Ironman Stealth Double Trouble Barbarian Ramminator Rammunition http://www.mediafire.com/download/loeqq9kwn9la3m4/Outlawed+Chassis+Pack.zip
  19. http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/topic/5591-a-note-concerning-v5/
  20. But that is the genius behind doomsday, the people that hate the idea are talking about it just as much as the people that fanatically love it. Truly brilliant marketing there. However yes the discussions of the truck are starting to get old fast. I personally like the truck as it is not a horrible 3D body or corporate sponsored truck.
  21. buts then you would be covering my hard work
  22. Do not feel bad, they swept the fact Pauken's did not drive a few weeks back because he actually hurt himself at the week prior show with the label of being "sick". It is a bit puzzling to there to be zero acknowledgement even if it was a severe breakage.
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