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Everything posted by Outlawed

  1. it cannot be retro when the overall mold has not changed since the 90's lol
  2. uh sunglasses and alot of sun screen
  3. is there a particular reason you had to make a 3rd account for the forums?
  4. chassis pack update! http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/1190-outlawed-replica-chassis-pack/ update log Bigfoot 19 -added two front shock tower/firewall support braces Black Stallion -added FELD mandated cab supports -Razin Kane renamed to Xtermigator -Grinder(Kreml) changed to Fox Sports -Grinder(Seasock) removed (is now BJ's Mohawk Warrior) new additions Avenger Aftershock Krazy Train Time Flys Outlaw Incenerator Man of Steel Zombie Stinger Viper Higher Education I had a major oversight, Avenger, Aftershock, Krazy Train and Time Flys have been sitting (the first 3 since November 10th!) because of me forgetting them somehow. I am trying to keep up with the most current and newest chassis for FELD trucks but please bare with me, I am waiting for more photos to pop up of them so I can be accurate as possible without having to release constant fixes (which happens often enough as is) Gunslinger
  5. "Cole Trickle" I believe is the name, kind of like JR running Ricky Bobby for Razin Kane
  6. the cars I have no idea about since I cannot find any racing photos or video but the rest looks right
  7. The driver was tall, lanky and probably walking with a limp after his foot got slammed in the door trying to get into the SUV
  8. War Wagon appears to be running on the Lady Luck setup vs the usual Nitemare one.
  9. mutt rotty has a smooshed backside also houston track layout
  10. man of steel has got a cohen chassis nitro hornet is red black stallion has ukraines
  11. NEA storm damage with a new scheme and for those that thought the spectrachrome max-d display chassis would go to werner, well uhm it has not happened
  12. yep that is Shockwave. Also GDTL is staying blue and grey, Adam confirmed it to several people in minny.
  13. http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/703-swamp-donkey/ I mean there is not anything to prevent you from running it, though as far as I know there are no current leagues that allow customs at this time.
  14. as far as I know unless the map has a spawner garage, no.
  15. Gen 3! but if you look, it looks like he has stretched the cab for better fitment
  16. I have been kind of slacking waiting for 1st quarter to start. Low and behold I wasted my time redoing Digger 16/19/20 because they all got replacements! So while I hold off on FELD trucks I figured it was time to start on trucks I know are staying the same.
  17. not so much of a game but its a pretty neat thing http://weavesilk.com/
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