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Everything posted by NtheDiggerfan

  1. How are the pictures a lie? They're literally OF THE TRUCK. Cant fake pics.
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Here it is! My long awaited Repli-Custom of Grave Digger the Legend. Special thanks to @FloridaBoy for his collaboration on this project! I can't thank him enough for bringing my first tried and true project from an idea to reality. This pack of two trucks includes Adam and Weston Anderson versions. The trucks include Working Headlights, great sounds, realistic props, updated drivers signatures and other goodies to discover. There may be updates in the future to expand the pack, but for now, these two amazing trucks are ready to race! Couldn't be happier with how this turned out as a comeback from the bad Gunslinger I released earlier! Enjoy! The blatant hate here is obvious, so if you're not gonna be nice stay away. Credits- @FloridaBoy - Cloning, specs, sounds, critiques, and other help. @rockgod88 - Original Chassis. @Andrew - Body mesh. Me- Paint, cloning, conceptualizing, everything else. If you enjoy, please leave a review! Remember, if you ever find yourself going against this piece of junk on the race track, it might just dig you a grave.
  3. New Truck who dis? Releasing tonight! Repli-Custom Grave Digger the Legend, a whole lot better than the Dumpster fire that was Gunslinger. Me and @FloridaBoy really hope you enjoy this, thanks a million times over to him. Includes Weston Anderson and Adam Anderson trucks, awesome sound, working headlights, and a whole lot of cool features and props you're gonna love! I'll take this old piece of junk and dig you a grave...
  4. Going to prevent myself from going off here on Feld again... *inhale slowly* *breathe out* This is nearly as bad as that crappy Rampage thing. 😔
  5. Okay so the Legend will be out either later today or tomorrow, and the Soldier fortune pack will be out Thursday to celebrate my 6 month anniversary Sim Monsters. This next truck might be uploaded if you guys like it. A repli Custom Madusa. Featuring a Brianna Mahon driver signature, updated logos, GIRL POWER on the roof, and Breast cancer awareness sponsors, this truck looks great. This is really dedicated to my mother whom is fighting Breast Cancer right now, a real issue we face today. Let me know what you think!
  6. Jack, while that instance was true, as my brother did use my computer, these are MY opinions. You will see these greatly differ from those that my brother posted.
  7. I am very pleased, and very thankful for guys and gals like you who pour their heart out. People like you are the only reason I'm still in the sport. Some of the decisions feld makes just dint settle right with me. It's not like I'm going to stop going to shows, I just sometimes dont agree with feld.
  8. Ok. I can tell who signs your paychecks. JK I know nitro is indy. Valid counterargument. Just not a fan of the track layout.
  9. I've been to a ton of stadium shows, speedway shows, and arena shows... I'm not hating on MJ, i'm hating on Feld's crazy strategies and descisions.
  10. (part 2 below) You can definitely tell that there is a difference between MJ being run by a motorsports company (USHRA, Live Nation), and now a Business (FELD). Feld started off ok from around 2006 to 2011, but they have recently realized what a cash juggernaut they had on their hands. It's frustrating to the longtime fan who has seen both the rise and decline of the sport. FELD's business approach sucks, which is why old MJ rocked. It wasn't some corporate BS show that was milking cash. It was an actual show that was run by a motorsports show. These retarded Feld decisions hare marred the MJ name. BKT is a great example. This is NOT Nascar, so WHY ON EARTH do we need tires w/HUGE white logos on them, they're ugly during shows and are ultimately distracting. Also, BKT's are hella expensive for the trucks. They're really frail too. They break super easily. Back in the days of bus jumps and camper crushes, did the tires pop? Rarely. If you think pre-2011 do you remember any blowouts at your shows? Rarely! Now, you have 1 or 2 pop every show! Clip a car in racing? Whoops, it popped, buy another. You jumped the little car stack? Popped. Buy another. It just sucks for the drivers to be in the middle of the run, havea tire blow, and then have the RII trigger happy officials shut you off and not let you continue (they used to let you keep going, now, if you so much as slash a tire your run is done, a completely separate issue I have.) Another stupid decision is the multiple clones of trucks we have. Do we need Monster Mutt Rotty, Dalmation Junkyard Dog, AND the original? No. Do we need Captains and Pirate's curse? No. Do we need a team of 4 Scooby Doos? No. These multiple trucks just annoy me, just another way to make more money and have a MM at every show. Do we need independents running Feld bodies? NO! Let independents shine. There are already enough toxic Feld trucks at a show, give a few Indys who pay LOADS of cash to enter get their name out there. Not be converted into another stupid cash grab. Feld is killing it from a financial standpoint, but they have their heads in their butts when it comes to coordinating these tours. The announcers sound like a kid doing Roblox commentary. And the brand placements suck. Let's play a drinking game. When you watch Monster Jam on TV, take a shot every time Ryan Lacosse says BKT tires or proves he has a mental disorder. And during live shows, Scott Douglass (who was unjustly pushed out of the sport by Feld) used to commentate a little bit during the runs. Now it's just a blaring, cringy theme song while the truck runs around in awkward silence. Not exactly immersive in the experience. Also, the tagline is extremely fishy, with it saying (UNSCRIPTED). Why TF would you put that in your tagline, if you were trying to convince people it's not? Fishy. The whole thing is Fishy now. It's a shame that Feld has gone to lengths to absolutely ruin Monster Jam. Feld needs to pass MJ on to a company whom is willing to take the responsibility and do it RIGHT. They may snow new fans, but for those of us whom have been here since the beginning, we are getting left in the dark and are becoming tired of it.
  11. WARNING: MEGA RANT AHEAD. Here comes Feld about to ruin another piece of Monster Jam. Can't these guys just realize that they're very obviously causing havoc in the sport and ruining it for the fans? Also, why in the hell would they make it like St. Lois style? If they were gonna go that route, I would've rather had them move the start gates to the end of the chicane on the other end of the track, had them race down, turn, and then jump to the finish. Right now, when they go to turn and go down the chicane again, it looks like it's land and then IMMEDIATELY turn around the cars. Also, Where TF are they going to put the trucks when not racing, how are they going to come in the tiny stadium tunnels without wasting HUGE amounts of time, and how will they get in the start gate? Backing in? If so, the crew chief would have to stand behind and guide, meaning the little golf cart thingies would have to come out, drop off the crew chiefs, pick them up, and then start the racing, TAKING WAY TO MUCH DAMN TIME. This probably means ANOTHER night of competition (another night of racing, split the huge field in 2), and likely the death of the Young Guns Shootout (or that retarded censored "Double Down Showdown" which I refuse to call it 🙄)Also, back to the SAME EXACT TRACK DESIGN. No creativity whatsoever. If they were gonna run Vegas tracks IN THESE ITTY BITTY STADIUMS THAT WONT FIT THEM, I had a better idea for them. STAY IN VEGAS. The All Star challenge should be rotating, not the WF. And if Feld insists on rotating the WF, change the track layout and paint it to match landmarks or things in the respective city. Not the same exact thing. People are gonna get tired of the same 💩 EVERY SINGLE SHOW, and their attendance will go down. Same batch of Feld trucks at every show, same track, same competitions. Right about now, after having been to well over 100 events over my life, TRIPLE THREAT IS BETTER THAN ANY MAJOR SHOW! It's to the point where I think next year I will only go to one of my stadium shows (which aren't cheap by any stretch of the term). Our shows are ALL THE SAME. no variation. The WF is becoming no different. No variation really since WF 17. Feld's sorry excuse of a track this year was a MIRROR IMAGE of last year, hoping people wouldn't notice, same with WF 16 and 17. Instead of the backflip in the middle of the track at 17 (a terrible idea by the way, was too tight and served no purpose), they put a fountain. NOTHING CHANGED. Also, having spoken to drivers at the pit party, many (including Feld owned), many have stated that Feld's ramps are too steep, and have caused breaks on the first jump. Hell, look at Khoeler at WF19, Jimmy Creten's 2 wheel skills in Tampa 2018, Tristan England WF 19, Saigon Shaker Tampa 2018, and many others throughout the year. At least 2 trucks break early in the run because of the retarded track design at every show. The jumps are too steep. Also, dirt has NO PADDING WHATSOEVER. At least before after a jump sometimes you could land on cars or other things, but after a huge 40ft jump with no landing ramp, it's a wonder the trucks hold together. You think something like Dennis's 2007 (I think that was the year) Minneapolis Rocket Launch of a jump could be possible on today's tracks? Absolutely not! The chassis would be ruined, and the driver would be seriously injured. Hell, even Feld is at fault for Dennis Anderson's retirement. I was at the show, and you could very clearly hear the truck shut off mid hitting the BF ramp. Not only this, but speaking to the track crew after the show (one of the members at my show is a close friend), he said FELD tells drivers before the show whom is cleared to do backflip, and whom is not. That is why he was shut off. He was not allowed to do one. Many of the independents are also not cleared, as each track member holds a PHYSCAL LIST (I have pictures, and my friend gave me his) of who can. Which would've been better, letting Dennis finish his backflip even though he technically wasn't cleared to do so, or shut him off mid flip, and ultimately inflict career ending injuries? Another thing on that topic, Feld has no respect to the Vets of the sport. During the 2018 kick-off show, after Dennis announced his retirement, the anchor literally said "Wow, Dennis, thanks for the update", AND MOVED ON WITHOUT EVEN A TRACE OF DISCUSSION, and besides a yearbook column they haven't even mentioned his retirement, which is pretty screwed up considering all that Dennis did to make Monster Jam what it is. Also, budget cuts have been extreme. Stadium shows used to be 16 trucks. Now they're 14. They used to have fireworks during the National Anthem and after the show, not anymore. There used to be Cars, busses, boats, planes, hell, even one year we had a Double Decker bus! Pit Parties used to be larger, with food trucks and other entertainment. Now, its HALF of what it used to be. There used to be Quad Wars, trailer races, demo derbies, or Rocket Cars. Now, we get 2 wheel skills, which is just another excuse to break the trucks before freestyle. We used to see variation in trucks, now every tour has a Grave Digger, Max D, El Toro, or other BS truck Feld has cloned to make more money and appeal to fans. Also, Feld cut their speedway tour circuit by 3/4 this year. 3/4!!! Florida alone used to have about 8 or 9 around the 2008-11 years. This year, there were no speedway shows in Florida. Also, why do we need 4 Stadium Tours, 3 Arena tours, etc? Ridiculous! The majority of these tours overlap, so if one tour stops in Orlando, 2 weeks later another one does. WHY? 1 or 2 tours at most is all we need. Honestly, it really makes for crappy shows because they stretch their resources thin, and bc they have to pay for the ludicrous amounts of shows, they budget cut now. I understand the appeal factor of having it come to your town, but part of the fun was either taking a long car ride to get to the show anticipating what amazing thing was gonna happen, or have 1 KICKBUTT show, not 3 crappy budget cut ones. I could put up with multiple shows and multiple trucks if there was VARIATION, a key word in this whole rant. Vary the track styles and obstacles like they used to. Make the GD or ETL look different on this tour than it does on that tour to add a sense of exclusivity and specialty to your show that simply is gone from the ghost of Monster Jam we have today. I say ghost bc it's the same experience more or less, but EXTREMELY different, like a shell of it's former glory. I'm just finding that it's becoming less and less like a show and more like a "we are gonna come to your city and present this thing to you if you overpay for it and ultimately leave disappointed", that really gives me State Fair vibes. It's more of a production now than it used to be. Also, EXTREMELY RIGGED. You mean to tell me that in 2015 the "crowd decibel meter" was real? If so, you are the most gullible idiot out there. Judges Zone is also BS as well. No way that app calculates the entirety of the stadium's votes in under 10 seconds. Also, it seems incredibly fishy that in the 1 show out of 4 in my area the one televised on Fox had Cleatus Double Down. Also, the track officials are biased as well. They have complete control over a freestyle. They can make it end early, force a crash through RII, or just stop them for no reason. Also, racing is sometimes swayed. There have been multiple times where their clocks for both trucks are off. There have been multiple instances where a truck has OBVIOUSLY won, and the "timing system" comes back backwards. How do they time that? Invisible censors? Cameras? BS. They pull it our of their butts. Also, now that every truck is the EXACT same under the hood, there is no risk factor and again, no VARIETY. All the chassis for Fled trucks are the same for the most part and use the same parts. If a truck races and blows a motor, not to worry, because that truck will be back for freestyle to create fans that will buy that merch. Cracked Planetary? Not to worry, Dragon will give GD his spare one. There used to be this sense of risk that you sat on the edge of your seat for. The drivers pushed hard, and you wanted your truck to go big, knowing that if they did, there was a chance they'd break and be done. There was a risk factor to it. Now, there isn't that edge of your seat feeling. You know damn good and well that if a truck breaks, don't worry your pretty little head, they're coming back, which takes away most of the suspense. Also, now that the chassis are the same, they're boring to look at. Remember PEI's, CRD's, Cohens, and even In-house built trucks? Not anymore. Now it's one type of chassis for all which honestly sucks. I remember thinking how cool the original Max D chassis was, and how cool GD 14 was under the body. It was fascinating to see a driver express his or her creativity and ingenuity in the chassis they built. Now, it's all the design of some tie wearing businessman behind a desk who has figured out a way to put the cheapest parts on the truck possible so that profits would outweigh costs. (part 2 below)
  12. Oh that's where you meant. I will move them in the morning. The lettering itself is darker?
  13. More Progress Photos: (Thanks to @steiale for pointing the issues i fixed out) Fixed the rims on BOTH trucks, along with driver signatures and logos, turned up saturation on the normal Soldier Fortune, blended the Black ops logo better, and made other sound improvements. Any other critiques to make it more realistic are appreciated.
  14. Does anyone know the Madusa font?
  15. Another project to be released soon (Still need paint updates and other minor fixes to make these tried and true replicas. If you have suggestions to make them better, let me know.) I haven't given up on my repli-custom Legend, i am cloning it and fixing the issues others had with Gunslinger so my work can be the best it can be. If you spot anything on these that is not true to the original, please let me know so they can be as realistic as possible. Thanks.
  16. Just making sure everyone is OK with this truck before release. This is the Repli-Custom GDTL i'm working on, and close to finishing. I am asking out to the community to tell me what you'd change to better this as a Repli-custom (shocks are staying the same, so don't suggest it. Personal preference. Like the way the Nitros look over Coils). Will be a pack with an Adam and Weston version included. Pondering wether or not to add specs. I kind of like the primer matte look. Just trying to make this better than Gunslinger. Thanks! This is the last chance to better the truck before release! Thanks y'all!
  17. I was a fan of the classics. Sudden Impact, NWO, Goldberg, Sting, etc. Really wish we could see a comeback one day of a bunch of live nation trucks.
  18. YESSSSS! Well i mean they can't because Feld bought them out, but maybe just pass MJ on to a different company. Feld killed Ringling Bros., and are bound to kill MJ i think in 20 years time.
  19. Feld, take anything but Robby XD. Feld is the type of stupid comapny to get rid of Grave Digger one day. -__- . Can't stand them. But alas, #RehireRobby
  20. Hey if u need any help on working paint i can help u. Just let me know. I don't do a lot of trucks but i do work with paints a lot.
  21. I need this in my life lol. I went back to the yearbook this was in bc i have it 😂 Robby the Manic Mechanic was featured in a few yearbooks lol.
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