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Everything posted by NtheDiggerfan

  1. Round 2 (cont.) Vinson takes Ochs. Rummel beats Blood.
  2. Round 2: Camden Murphy Takes out Brad Allen. Jared Eichelberger takes out Amy Houde.
  3. I don't have facebook lol. Camden, Brad, Tony, and Brandon. Brandon is taking it. I'm calling it. AMI HOUDE BEAT LIST! Eichelberger beats Read. Kayla Blood beats Matt Cody. Rummel Beats Collete Davis. Round 1 over.
  4. Hey everyone. Anyone have a link to a livestream I can send to my folks back home? Thanks.
  5. I was told, his name was Tony over at the Hotwheels zone. I will post later. Waiting on the truck parade.
  6. Scott told me himself that Hotwheels and Feld renewed the contract for 2019 only. To confirm, I asked a hotwheels representative at the hotwheels zone and he confirmed it. Spin Master will take over in 2020 unless Hotwheels renews again. When I get to my hotel tonight I'll do some research and post on it more.
  7. @Irishbulldog422 I tried that, but it sort of blends in and wont stick out. I have his hat and that one card set to green for a "popping" effect.
  8. Just finished up this beauty: https://imgur.com/a/18Ra0 Just my prediction for what the ol' Jestalade will look like this year. Also working on the DDS trucks with special DDS competitor flags. Constructive criticism is appreciated.
  9. Let's see where this goes. I'm excited to see if he went with the purple or gold. I like a rich speckled purple better but that's just me. Edit- It's just me flying out to Vegas, leaving the family behind. do you all know of a live stream they can watch? I know MJ doesn't do an official one.
  10. My Jester Prediction: https://imgur.com/a/18Ra0
  11. Why won't it let me upload a picture? I just made a prediction truck but i can't attach the file... It always says maximum 30 kbs eventhough mine is like 20
  12. blanco, amarillo, or rojo don't rhyme with Avovado. The body in the pic is too dark to be silver or gold.
  13. I see that, but i mean its kind of pointless because kids will be exposed to that no matter what.
  14. Also, Jester is Purple this year. Go look at his Insta. He said the secret paint code was: "The color rhymes with Avocado translated to spanish." Morado is purple in spanish.
  15. I just don't get it. So we can sell kids GTA V and all this actual BS, but have to censor trucks? There are PG movies with Guns. PG means Parental Guidance. When have you seen a child at MJ without parental guidance? By removing the Gun from Gunslinger it ruined the truck. Terrible.
  16. I would be so pissed if that was the new avenger body for next year.... Also, why is AXE in Vegas? For Pit Party display?
  17. @P3ForLife I actually want a 1/2 and 1/2 of the 2 schemes he won with. Half one, Half the other. Kind of a tribute.
  18. I wish drivers had the choice to use whatever exhaust they want. I'd pick Zoomies over Collectors every time.
  19. @ChaoticMayhem I actually like these rims better than the Split Clark. Just personal Preference.
  20. @Medalwarrior215 That Wrecking crew looks great! It definitely looks better now.
  21. @Swegliner849 thx. It's just off putting. I'm a huge hot rod fan and wanna be collector (lol). That '58 Chevy is one of my favorite bodies bc its unique in the sport. Only avenger has that. This is just like.... a surf car turned into a sloppy hot rod. I wish the '58 would be been re painted. And the orange rims make me cringe
  22. I don't know. That body seems more fitting for a truck like big kahuna. The woody body feels to me like a surf truck. I like the paint variants of the '57 Chevy better than different bodies... But somebody's mission is to now make that for RoR lol.
  23. Name: Breakable Earth Shaker Body: Earth Shaker Chassis: Same as NKS1996's So just some context, maybe @nks1996 can do this or one of you all edit the file, but would any of you mind making the earth shaker body and chassis brekable? Maybe in the update you could make it and add it as a pack @nks1996. Thanks.
  24. Name: Breakable Earth Shaker Body: Earth Shaker Chassis: Same as NKS1996's So just some context, maybe @nks1996 can do this or one of you all edit the file, but would any of you mind making the earth shaker body and chassis brekable? Maybe in the update you could make it and add it as a pack @nks1996. Thanks.
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