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Everything posted by AaronLurie

  1. The last fail I posted and this fail are not mouse drags so I need you to stop saying I'm lying about it being a power overload. Picture by Daniel Simon
  2. then ask for people's aims not their email
  3. excuse me Mark, as clearly stated, it was a power overload, I did not mouse drag and i am not a kid. so please don't false accuse
  4. MEGA POWER OVERLOAD Daniel Simon and I were just playing around when i loaded position and my truck exploded and went flying into the stands Pictures by Daniel Simon
  5. exactly what I was saying earlier, hate him or not, don't criticize him just cause there are better people
  6. The things your are saying about his pack, and many of others projects are just hurtful, of course most of us aren't as good as the pros at making things, we cam to have fun and show off projects, not be criticized
  7. no offense, but that's just wrong, Can't us ROR players make things without being criticized? I mean really? He made a pack, like it or not, you don't have to express your hate
  8. can't you just respect peoples projects, its not like I go around calling your stuff junk
  9. Aaron Lurie el toro loco you know my aim
  10. Trucks: 1. Grinder 2. Monster Energy 3. Bounty hunter Drivers: 1. Seasock 2. Bradshaw 3. Creeten
  11. sorry I missed the last one, ill drive el toro on sunday
  12. what version of ror? I believe the controller will only work right with 0.37.126
  13. I wish to be in da funrun, Aaron Lurie you have my aim El toro loco
  14. thanks jack, I was worried cause so many league racers are in the funrun, I can make it, El Taco Laco
  15. I might not be there, if Im there at like 2:45 can you add me to the chat? if you can, I will be tearing up the ol' el toca laco Edit: found the time zone conversion, it would be at 4 for me but I have a league to run
  16. Yes, If any new fun runs open up in the fun run section of the site, sign up with the name, aim and truck and then the host will tell you what the server info is which you will then put into the config. Welcome to the site
  17. MJFanatic3 5:21 pm do u hav v4 TheMonsterJam101 5:22 pm maybe..
  18. Simon is crazy, I was just talking to him and he change that acdcfan65 gave it to him to mark colineri gave it to him. WHO THE HECK GAVE IT TO HIM
  19. no, acdcfan56 on here, not josh. he said he had the whole pack and I said prove it so he uploaded that video. I dont know what he was gunna send because I had to leave but he did try to send me wolverine from v4. It didnt work so I dont know if it was the real one. I had nothing to do with leaking the pack and I do not want to get banned for anything I said
  20. Incase it hasn't been said, the guy who made the video is simon holcomb, i was tlaking to him on aim and he said acdcfan gave it to him, he kept trying to send it to me but I said no
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