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Everything posted by AaronLurie

  1. I know that my server does that, I will be carefully watching the log to find if people are doing it for a good reason. I may just take that power off if it becomes often. I do know that my server censors certain words, which is a plus.
  2. That stadium would be nothing without the port-o-potties. but anyway, looks awesome
  3. File Name: Milwaukee 2013 File Submitter: MJFanatic File Submitted: 18 Feb 2013 File Category: Tracks well, Here is the first stop for the Monster Jam portion of Monsters of ROR. This event will be ran on the 23rd, and you should check the show line-ups to see if you are going to be there! credits: cars, car textures, metal texture, crowd texture, and dirt- Rockcrwlr wall banners- sim-monsters other textures- google the rest is made by me. Sorry if I missed anyone Enjoy! Click here to download this file
  4. 636 downloads

    well, Here is the first stop for the Monster Jam portion of Monsters of ROR. This event will be ran on the 23rd, and you should check the show line-ups to see if you are going to be there! credits: cars, car textures, metal texture, crowd texture, and dirt- Rockcrwlr wall banners- sim-monsters other textures- google the rest is made by me. Sorry if I missed anyone Enjoy!
  5. Driver: Aaron Lurie Truck: El Toro Loco AIM: MJFanatic3
  6. you need ROR 37.126 for controllers. If you got 117 off of the downloads, just update the game and it should work
  7. I tried making that, I have the tires made, I just need to edit the n/b for the tires and make a new chassis and axles
  8. I got bored yesterday and decided to bring back an escalade! I got permission to use the paint from Connor Richardson, so all credit goes to him for the paint. All I did was add lexan windows, CRD Mohawk Warrior chassis, and Ukraine tires to make it a 2013 style truck. I present you with....AN ESCALADE 2013!
  9. I believe only Edy is supposed to post the pics unless stated otherwise.....
  10. Guess What? More props!! We have some good ones today, first off! Advance Auto Parts PVC Pipe Banner: Next, My personal favorite, the FMX ramp! Let's see how they look on Charleston 2013! Yes, I know you don't use an FMX Ramp on a step up, but I wanted to see if it was sized right. I hope to use these on upcoming tracks
  11. well, since this is the only place I can get a hold of you klayton, It says you can't receive new messages so, if you want the porta potty, I can send you a link, just pm me or find me on aim.
  12. Not sure when these would be useful, but, ummm, enjoy?
  13. well, that was very inappropriate of you to say. Great Track Julio!
  14. I suggest spreading it out a little bit, looks too short
  15. ahh, really sorry about that, but thanks for the help!
  16. I am not very good at making bodies and painting them But I guess i will continue on it. Krazy Train 2013: EDIT***
  17. so, whenever I open blender, it will open one of my previous tracks. When I try to click new, and delete all, it just opens the same track again. It is really annoying and I would like to know if there is a fix. Thanks -Aaron
  18. All these amazing projects! I can only hope I could be that good one day. But until then, Milwaukee 2013:
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