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Snow in July? This ain't no Christmas gimmick, we're sending our competitors up north where it's nice and chilly for some ice cold circuit racing at Bajarama V2. Here, racers are confined to the boundaries of the track and the console will be timing their individual passes. If they miss a checkpoint, they must make an effort to go back through it, and if they roll, then they cannot reset, they may only use mouse controls to roll their truck back over. Is that time consuming? Yes. Is it unfair? No. Just don't roll

Just as a reminder for the rules:

1. Visibly straying from the indicated course will count as an Out Of Bounds finish. If this happens, this means your run is over.

2. Rolls do not stop your time. If you roll and cannot recover, YOU ARE ONLY ALLOWED TO ROLL BACK OVER WHERE YOUR TRUCK SETTLES.

3. Time will only run between the start and finish line. Whatever happens in between, as long the officials don’t think you’re taking forever, you’re good to go. Times exceeding a specific maximum will count as a DNF.


Sign-ups cap at 36 drivers!

Event Time:
Tuesday, June 7 7:30 EST
Event chat open: 7:00 EST
Event start: 7:30 PM EST

Map Download (Click Me!)
Stream - https://mixer.com/UMTC
Roster of Eligible Drivers - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xHMRxYosUaJQfPaB56TDd-f0k6OTP5Yamd2FJrO5Lx4/


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