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Sim Monsters Presents: Fall Madness


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I had a blast tonight!!!!! Getting 2nd in qualifying and then going to the finals for the 1st time in a Sm event!!!! Sadly, I failed the the very beginning of the race and gave the win to Danny, making it two in a row in the Fall Madness events. Also failed in the freestyle run and rolling early due to me misjudging a jump. Had a fun time driving and watching everyone drive out there on that amazing course Danny put together. Congratulations to Danny Mackey for winning racing and Kyle Carr for his amazing run to win freestyle. Can't wait to run another Sm event soon!!!! See you guys on the track!!!! :D

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I still can't believe ya'll RII'd my freestyle run. How many countless times have we witnessed a truck endo like that in reality and continue to keep going? Ya'll said you would not worry too much about realism in this event as well, just for me to get RII'ed over a weird endo.

Take Lupe here in Georgia:

Worst call I've ever received in my online monster truck history. I'm not mad, but I'm quite dissapointed.

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You can show me that Lupe freestyle all you want to David, the fact of the matter is that had i been incharge of Lupe while he was running at that show i woulda shut him off to and made him stay parked right there. You bring that incident up, and i'll bring up Dana Creech in Monster Mutt doing an end over end rollover. Similar incidents and Dana wasn't allowed to continue like he shouldn't have been. I'm honestly sick of hearing people complain about something that was done in their freestyles or a competitors freestyle wanting to know why they weren't shut off or told to stop. Its a heat of the moment decision, just like in real life. If you can't live with that, then do not race with us anymore. That goes out to everybody, not just you David.

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I will Eric, and thank you for the clarification, Josh.

It wasn't just the roll, or call made that frusterated me. It was the events that lead up to that moment. I'm not blaming anybody in saying this, so don't take it the wrong way:

When I got in game and no one responded, I assumed you all were waiting for me to start my freestyle since "time starts after you hit the first obstacle". Then I saw Eric say "1 sec". I didn't understand what that meant, other than thinking you were tired of waiting for me to start my freestyle and if I didn't do so I'd be dq'ed. So I started. Then I was told to stop, which through me off. Then the truck started stalling out for no reason while I tried to setup for my intial hit. All these factored into the equation.

Look: I'm not trying to be a whiner about what happened last night. It's old news by now. I was just trying to figure out what happened, and interpret what was going on as this is only my second event online in RoR/Sim-Monsters. Sorry if I get a little fired up from time to time like a true competitor.

This is all like starting over again for me. I'm trying to learn the ropes, or understand what you all are trying to tell me. I'm only explaining my side if only for the sake of you understanding my side/viewpoint. Nothing more.

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David, i do very well understand your point. But, i don't get the point of complaining. There's so much complaining on this site! I mean, hell, i could have complained about my 10-second penalty in qualifying, i would have made it had it not been for that, i would've been the 20th qualifier, but i let it go, watched the livestream and had fun. It's no big deal. Work on doing a good run WHILE being realistic, and look forward to shocking everyone at the next event. I understand being angry, but keep it to yourself and move on.

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