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Bad Times


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Well last year on June 1st I got t-boned by a guy who ran a light.  I was fine but my car was totalled.  This was the beginning of a terrible downward sprial for me.  I got a new one and it had a motor which ice had punced a bunch of holes in.  I spent the last 8 months building a motor and fixing it up and finally got to drive it about four weeks ago and have had a problem with it almost every week.  My game and work computer mother boards got smoked within a couple of months of each other and I spent the better part of a year trying to get my laptop to stop blue screening on me. The stove in my apartment got stuck on  and couldn't be turned off from the switch.  I ended up having to turn off the breaker which made it so I could only cook with my George Foreman grill for a month until it was replaced.  The stove messed up at night and I went to bed thinking it was off because the switch was off.  It nearly set my apartment on fire.  Luckily my dog was barking like hell at it because of the noise the bar at the bottom makes when it explodes and woke me up.  I've lost my internet and had all kinds of little problems in between.  This has been a very expensive year for me and I've really made no progress on anything due to the lack of funds.  I've been playing catch up since last year.  The past month has been the grand finale (I hope).  About a month ago I messed up my back worse than it has ever been and had a chest cold that wouldn't allow it to heal because coughing just messed it up again.  I was stuck on my bathroom floor for about 2 or 3 hours when it happened before I figured out a way to pull myself into my room.  I could barely walk for about a week and had to have something to hold onto to do it.  That put me down for a while and my back still isn't quite right.  In the past week I lost an uncle, a good regular customer at my job and my stepdad.  My Uncle died after battling cancer for the past year + and the regular customer died out of the blue with his mom sitting right next to him.  With my stepdad, my mom and newphew found him dead while coming home on Friday.  I've been doing everything I can to hide what happened and what my nephew saw from him because he's only 7 and luckily it's been successful so far.  He thinks his Grandpa been in the hospital and I wanted to keep it that way until the Monster Truck show at Ford Field was over.  He's been looking forward to it since the end of last year mainly because Ryan and Dennis Anderson were going to be there and I didn't want to ruin that for him.  My car broke down on me twice in the last week and completely stranded me last night with the Monster Truck show being today.  I got it fixed just in time and was barely late to the show.  With all this crazy stuff going on this game really helped me distract my nephew and hopefully avoid problems with him.  I immediately picked him up after the incident and took him home with me and we played RoR and watched old monster truck videos all night.  I've had two good nights with him and he's really enjoyed them.  On March 4th I loose my last place to go to get online so I won't be on here or anywhere consistantly.  I probably won't be back online until after summer ends.  I really hope things get better from here because I don't have much left to loose.

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Damn, I hate these threads.


Hope everything starts to turn around for you, we all have rough patches in our lives to go through and unfortunately sometimes they like to all come at once. Not sure what your status on cell phones are but most of them have basic web access that you can use to come to the site or Facebook. We're always here for each other even if some of us don't like to admit it, if you ever need someone to talk to just blow off steam I'm usually on Facebook chat doing nothing. Good things will come my friend. B)

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I want to reach through my monitor and hug you. :c


Sorry about all the things that have happened to you. I really hope your life can go back to normal, though it probably never will after all that has happened. Good luck and godspeed on your future endeavors. :/ <3

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Thanks guys.  RKM my phone just does phone calls.  I don't have any extra stuff on it because I don't want to spend the money on it.  I'll still be on from time to time though.  I might be able to get online Friday nights from work because my boss stays late.

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